
Nov 20, 2009 00:54

Courtesy of Crantz. But man, I went and did some revisit time on the old X-Men Slash Central Archive. I found stuff I hadn't even remembered, and it was just like - I don't know. Going back to your grade-school playground for an afternoon. The toys! The wonderful toys! And who cares if it's not quite what makes me gleeful now, IT'S A TILT'A'WHIRL!!

I did notice that, after all these years, six of my stories are still credited to someone else. I noticed, too, that the "The premise of this story and many of the scenes were lifted in total from a story by Kael about her original characters" somehow disappeared off an epic, too. (This is not decade's later bitterness, this is more "extremely amused." Mostly at myself - I can't believe I still care even a little bit and would like to disavow most of what I did write back then! Maybe it's contagious dorky emotion from the origin time. :p)

Getting caught up in things was so stupid, but from this kind of distance I just have the remembered happy of creating and reading and worshipping at the feet of - my first two were Killashandra for Trek and Alicia McKenzie for X-Men. SO much love, still. MONKEY BARS.

I also recently wrote a 21,000 word CHAPTER and had to create a topographical map of a multi-thousand acre eco-warrior compound and am just in a heeheehee place about writing, and the inspiration of fic, and pretty much the entire ficitonal-universes universe.

I'm also supposed to be vanishing into the hospital any day now, and would appreciate any healthy vibes anyone could send my way. I'll be gone 2-3 weeks once I go, so if you can't get me and want updates, bug river.

<3 to ficcers and fantasy makers past and present. There's a whole part of my brain that might've stayed hidden without you.
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