"The difference is Jesus loves you, I don't."

Oct 01, 2005 12:41

I just heard this song and I love it. But it's so new I can't find the lyrics to it yet. Oh well...it'll come on more soon hopefully.

Last night I went and saw "Into the Blue"....it's a good movie, but holy crap if you have a short attention span you probably won't like it. It was like 2 hours and 15 minutes or something. And while it was pretty good, there were parts that just seemed to DRAG and couldn't hold my attention for anything.
lol, after I got home from the movies it was like 12:00 and then I talked to Chris online who told me he was drunk and needed a ride so I go to get him and he's not drunk at all! Oh well though, I don't see him to much.

I work 4-close tonight and I'm not thrilled. :S It's just me and Kayla and I'm pretty sure I'll get floors. I'll be pissed I've been there since April and have never done floors. lol Oh well... I guess that's it. Bye!
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