So the past week has been hectic lol. I can't exactly remember what I did, but I do know that I spent waaaay too many nights out late and got the mother angry. But I'd have to admit that it's been really fun, catching up with the most random people, going to places like Timbre for some drinks and to come to realise that Badd wasn't the holy type (haha).
After graduation party wasn't much. The weather's waaay too hot for us to enjoy ourselves, or at least for me to enjoy :/ Syara's was fun with the rest though :D And Wesley's... Well the nuggets and company was pretty cool haha.
Wednesday was ladies' night at the Butter Factory and hell it was mad, partly cos before that was the mini saga at Iluma with Filmgarde. Hoho. So went to Butter, rushed some food before, drank a tad too quickly, and puked everything out. And was totally zoning out after walking back into the club; Sherwin suspected that the drinks aren't clean D: and the rest, Geraldine and the rest were all plain high haha.
Yvonne: Alcohol makes you higher.
Kahyuen: Oh? But you aren't growing any taller.
Yvonne: -.-
Jill also invited all to her party. Just. Like. That. Lol. Amazing much. Don't know if it's still happening or not though.
I think the party on the Saturday that just passed was way more fun. Staying till morning was a really bad idea but at least we had Macdonald's breakfast when we were still high. And got to see this weird man who almost killed his dog but having the glass door close on it, then saying that "Aye the dog walks too slow." Come on la dude your leash also so long. Some more who say you can bring dogs in hereeee.
And that was the first time I actually see a friend of mine scavenge for food. Literally. He actually went to take other's leftover porridge bowls. O.O That was the face I gave. Yah. And another friend went to throw his Smirnoff bottle against a tree, and it broke, and glass chips fell all over the road. Oh and after that, him and another friend (I was out with three dudes after the club closed), spilt water all over two cars at the carpark. And I don't know why, but I love people like that lei. Though to a certain extent it's like, "OMG CAN YOU NOT DO THAT. SO MEAN." Haha such contradictions.
So what else happened last week..
Oh we played Dota. (Y)
And the dudes are going into army. So sad lei why like that. It's still a year more till Hakim and Gideon ORDs. And it's two more years to go for the dudes of my batch gets outta the army. Sigh. Faster lei.
And, I need a job. Lol. Izak just asked Wyncy and I if we wanted to work at SAA. Yes, no? I don't know. See how. Lol.