Title: Head Colds & Heartaches
morethanmendingRating: G
Word Count: 321
Gone WIPCharacters: John Warner, Abigail Warner
Fic Contains: hurt/comfort, a smidgen of angst
Notes: Written for the flavor "Vanilla" - prompt #02 "Sniffles".
Summary: Abigail catches a cold.
Abigail lay in her bed, little nose pink, her teddy bear snug against her shoulder.
John smoothed a hand over her forehead. He felt the heat there, rolling off her skin in waves. "Doing alright there Abby?"
Abigail frowned. She blinked, slow and sedate. "My head hurts," she said.
"I know, baby," John said. "It'll go away soon."
"And my nose is runny," she added, sniffling loudly.
"I know," he murmured, large palm smoothing across her cheek. "Got you some tissues on the nightstand."
Abigail huffed and slumped down against her pillow. "Don't like this," she grumbled.
John's lips quirked, a half smile brightening his face a little. "Try to sleep. Time will pass quicker. This'll be gone before you know it."
Abigail hummed, fingers plucking at the quilt top. "You'd take care of Benson for me, wouldn't you?" she asked suddenly. "In case something happened."
The smile left John's face as quick as it appeared. "Nothing's going to happen. Nothing except you getting better."
"But there's no doctors," Abigail said around a wide yawn.
"It's just a little cold," John said, guiding Abigail's arms beneath the blanket and pulling it high on her shoulders, tucking it beneath her chin. "You don't need a doctor for that."
"But what if I did?" Abigail asked.
John caught her eyes with his, held them. "You don't," he said, his tone firm.
Abigail stared up at him.
John lowered his gaze.
"Get some rest," he said after a moment. He leaned forward, pressed his lips against her warm forehead. "I'll stay till you fall asleep."
It only took a moment for her eyelids to begin to droop, for her muscles to relax, for her head to tilt towards her teddy, cheek resting against his ear.
A moment more and she was gone, breathing easy, mind lost to her dreams.
John sat by her side, hand pressed firm over her heart, and watched her sleep.