Title: Look Up Here

Apr 04, 2016 21:32

Hello, everyone. It has been awhile since I have posted.
Here is something that I came up with in the last hour.

Title: Look up here

Author: skybirdday

Challenge: Chocolate # 30 - dizzy

Summary: a man has a different adventure.

Warning: Maybe be morbid and a little dark. You have been warned.


(Inspired by Lazarus by David Bowie)

(I wonder if you can hear me. . .)

What is the old saying. . .death is only the beginning. . .

I smile. Perhaps so. I remember being surrounded by my family. My body
had gotten so weak, so tired that I didn't have the go to fight anymore.
But I had been given enough painkillers that it didn't matter anymore.
I was here and yet not.

(Don't want to go. . oh, no)

In the end, I felt my body loosen. . .like it was totally relaxed as I have not
felt since I was a boy. All I had to do was close my eyes and I felt a dizzying
sensation and. . . .

(do I want to know??)

I cannot. There is no one alive who knows what goes on after. . .
I leave it up to you when it is your time. . .which comes to everyone.
We do not know what time. . .

(See You Soon.)


[author] skybirdday, [challenge] chocolate

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