Bubble Gum, Marshmallow and Trail Mix

Jan 05, 2016 09:33

Author: Bitz
Title: Meeting The Band
Rating: Everybody
Bubble Gum #18. welcome wagon
Marshmallow #6. county fair
Trail Mix #8. garage
Topping/Extra: Butterscotch
Story: Hearts on Fire Series
Summary: After Finding Holly, Shane brings Holly to an rehearsal with his band.
Characters: Shane, Holly
Word Count: 717
A/N: Wow...it's been forever since I have written in here, but as always I'm ready to put some good words down. Greetings to old and new people in RaTs!

Holly’s head popped up as she felt the pickup bounce over a curb and she glanced around her surroundings with sleepy eyes, not all too sure how long she had slept. There was a farmhouse drawing near and Holly frowned at the unfamiliarity of the situation.

“Well good morning to you.”

Holly moved her head to the side slow to meet with Shane’s warm gaze and he motioned to the house with a finger. “We’re at one of my good friends house to do a bit of rehearsing before work. I hope you don’t mind the detour.”

Clearing her throat and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Holly sat up and gave a small smile. “Not at all.” She lied.

She really wanted to just flop down in a bed and sleep all the stress of the previous events away, but Shane had done her a huge favor and she wasn’t going to inconvenience him more than she already had.

“Shouldn’t be more than an hour. Promise.”

Holly gave a nod and when the truck finally came to a stop, the two occupants got out of it, making sure to cover their faces and necks from the unforgiving blasts of cold wind hitting them straight on. Shane, while putting a guitar over his shoulder, lead the way walking all the way to the side of the house where the garage was located. Holly shivered in the cold, wondering in a thought of desperation if Shane would let her cuddle up to him for heat. Probably not. He barely knows me after all. She thought to herself.

Shane stopped near a side door and after opening the door, motioned for her to enter first while his ponytail whipped violently into his face and out into the wind. Holly hurried inside and her soul screamed in joy feeling how warm it was inside. But just as soon as it started to scream, it froze in terror as she noticed the confused faces of four men who were in the middle of setting up their musical instruments.

“Can we help you ma’am?” A man with short blond hair asked, getting up from where he was behind the drums.

Holly was at a loss for words but she tried her best to say something.

“I’m sorry…I was just…”

Shane put a hand on her shoulder to reassure Holly and as she looked up at him, he grinned at the men and said, “Hey fellas! This is Holly. She’s the one I had to postpone the earlier rehearsal for.” Holly cringed waiting for the remarks of disappointment to hit her, but suddenly her hand was in somebody’s . “I’m glad you’re ok, Holly. Shane had us pretty worried about you.” Holly glanced back at Shane, who was trying to hide his blush.

Shane motioned to his blond headed friend. “Holly, this is Gunther. He’s our drummer in the band here.” He then started motioning to the others. “Then we got Troy who’s on the electric guitar. Cole here is our fiddler and Korry is our electric pianist. We’re trying to practice for the county fair this coming spring.”

Giving a wave of greeting to the guys, Holly turned her head to Shane asking, “What about you, Shane? What do you play?”

Shane smiled genuinely. “I’m bass guitar and sometimes I’m lead singer. We still have to find a permanent one, but for now I’ll do I guess.” He moved his hand from Holly’s shoulder to her back, gently moving her to a seat a little off and away from the instruments. “Have a seat, darlin and relax.” This will be over before you know it.”

“That is…if Shane will hurry up and get over here already so we can start. ” Korry chuckled out. Shane laughed and after giving Holly a wink, jogged over to where his band was waiting. He quietly chatted with his friends, setting up his guitar while Holly smiled. She barely even knew this guy a day and already he and his life were growing on her. She didn’t know what the future held for her, but she was willing to find out if Shane was going to be by her side.

Shane, when finally ready called out into the microphone, “All right fellas. From the top. One…two..three..four!”

[challenge] marshmallow, [author] bitz, [challenge] trail mix, [topping] butterscotch, [challenge] bubble gum

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