Kumquat #15

Dec 28, 2015 22:14

Rating: PG
Flavors: Kumquat #15 (catch me if you can)
Extras/Toppings: --
Word count: 244
Project: Tachycardia
Notes: University. Sometimes, it's just a phone call away. Quick write; I haven't written much lately...I'm still trying to figure out the whole work-study-life balance.

Distance is a strange thing.

That’s the thought that comes to Allie as she lays awake and alone in her bed at a time when it’s too dark to be day but too light to be night.

The thought crawls around in her mind, clawing its way into the forefront until that statement feels like the absolute truth.

Distance is a strange, strange thing.

Class has taught her that distance can be measured in many different ways. There’s far, and then there’s close. There are inches and feet, miles and meters. There is short and tall or narrow and wide.

The teachers taught her how to measure all these things with rulers or hands or whatever else was around. Unfortunately, school didn’t teach everything that she needed to know. They definitely failed to mention how sensitive of a thing distance could be, growing and shrinking, creating rifts or closing gaps between people.

Allie wondered how she could be in the same room as someone but feel so far away. Better yet, she wondered how one could even stop something as elusive as distance from appearing.

Rolling over to her side, she gazed out her window above her desk. The moon hung low in the sky. There, but not there. Far, but close.

Turning her gaze back to the desk, the white plastic rectangle seemed to glow in the dark, calling out to her to use it. Yes, a phone might just do the job.

[author] ruhgeenuh, [challenge] kumquat

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