Title: Settling Accounts
Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)Flavor(s): Chocolate #14 (vengeance)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 100
Notes: This is probably something Julia would like to have happened, rather than something that did, but who knows? (Pocky for the Summer Challenge.)
Summary: Julia has an encounter with Michael (who never could remember her name).
Recognition came at the same moment for both of them, as Julia was settling the account.
“Oh,” she said, not allowing him to ignore her. “I thought I knew you from somewhere.”
He passed over the written receipt. “You look well,” he said after an awkward pause.
“Oh, yes,” she said, with her brightest smile. “Very well. You, too, I trust?” And then, at the last, before moving away from the desk: “Now, do excuse me - oh,” she said, “how embarrassing - it’s been so long, I seem to have forgotten your name. Now, wait - was it Matthew?”
“Michael,” he said.