The First.

May 02, 2015 19:36

Title:【 The First 】
Author: NIL » allseeingusagi
Story: The Descent of August
Flavor(s): Pistachio 2 » arrival/departure
Toppings/Extras: N/A
Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: 681

Notes: Something I came up with out of nowhere. I'll work with this in tandem to “Project Airhead”.

I woke up and stared at the ceiling. That's what I clearly remember. There was a woman with long white hair smiling down at me.

“Hey, handsome,” she said. Her smile was so bright. “Are you awake now?”

“What happened?” I asked, sitting up and holding my head.

I had a headache; I remember that too. The pain was so intense over my right eye. The rest of me felt disconnected. She placed a hand on my shoulder. Her touch was so light, I barely noticed it.

“Your family is here to take you home.”

I looked up at her, and she pulled her hand away from me. She turned away and began towards the closed hospital door. Hospital, yes. I think that's where I was. It didn't look like my school's infirmary. It didn't look like a police station. If I had to guess, 'hospital' is where I happened to be.

I brought my legs over the side of the bed and stared down. My head swam. Maybe I sat up too fast. I closed my eyes for a moment to center myself and steadily breathed out. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed something red had fallen on my left leg. It felt wet. I blinked and reached out to touch it, but in that instance when I blinked, it was gone.


Actually disappeared from sight.

I placed my hand over that spot and left it there. When the door opened, that white haired woman entered with a tote bag over her shoulder. Two figures walked in behind her. I had a feeling that my parents were there, though I didn't see them. My eyes were set on the tote bag the woman carried. It was dark blue also with a black trim, black strap, and a black zipper. She swung it to the front of her body and held it with her free hand. She pulled the strap off her shoulder, smiling to me. I felt safe with that smile. Direct eye contact with her put me at ease.

“Tayvn,” she began, letting the bag come to rest on my legs. I stared down at it. “It was great seeing you. You are a fantastic person.”

I asked the only thing on my mind: “Am I going to be okay?”

“You'll be fine,” she assured, standing up straight.

I followed her with my gaze, head lifting as she stood. I brought my head back down. Those people - my 'parents' - were still talking behind her.

“We'll see each other again, in case anything goes wrong,” she continued. “But for now, take it easy.”

I nodded my head, still staring dwn at the bag. I yawned and let my eyes closed. The other two voices quieted. One spoke out to me.

“Tayvn. Tayvn.” It was calling my name. “Tayvn, sweetie. Wake up.”

I opened my eyes and looked up. My mother was staring at me, turned around in her seat. I was in our car. The khaki interior was welcome, familiar to me. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. She laughed a bit.

“How was practice? It really tired you out, huh?”

I brought my blue tote bag closer to my body and nodded. “I had that weird dream again.”

“That dream?” It was my father this time.

“You're getting enough sleep, right?” My mother furrowed her brow.

I nodded, dismissing her concern with a laugh. “Ah, I'll be fine. I've got something else to take me out.” I pat my bag pointedly.

She hummed and turned around, asking my father what he wanted to eat. While those two talked, I stared outside. The clouds were setting in the sky. It might not rain, but it was really going to get dreary. The sun was hovering above the horizon. In a couple of hours, it would be sundown. I yawned agani and squinted my eyes closed. My head came to rest against the window. I wasn't really tired, but I had nothing else to do. I just kept my eyes closed, but I didn't dream again.

[author] nil, [challenge] pistachio

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