Strawberry #30, Butter Pecan #15

Feb 17, 2015 04:04

Author: Sarah Sliverback
Universe: Tasha (yeah, she's back)
Rating: PG, still
Flavor(s): Strawberry #30 (pillow), Butter Pecan #15 (silent)
Toppings/Extras: Blank (none that I am aware of).
Wordcount: 116
Warnings: Crazy character..?
Notes:Didn't think I'd write anymore tonight, but I appear to be on a roll.

Laying her head back down, Tasha squeezed her pillow. She breathed heavy, rolling onto her side. "Why won't you let me sleep?!" She seethed, yelling at thin air. "I just want to sleep." She closed her eyes. "Please..." she wined, drifting off. She shook, waking. Inhale, exhale. "Nina..." Inhale, exhale. She flung her legs over the side of her bed. She reached for something descent and her shoes. She ran for a while, to where Nina was. She had to reach her, she just had to. She had to ask her something, something important.
"Nina! Why are you so loud, yet so silent? Why are you still, yet constantly stirring? Why do you haunt me so?"

[challenge] butter pecan, [author] sarah silverback, [challenge] strawberry

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