Their Eyes Were Watching God

Feb 08, 2015 15:05

Chocolate #28 - Longing
Keylime #5 - Woman of my dreams
Cherry Chocolate Chip #16- Shame

Story: Not canon -- One off.
Word count: 200

A/N Sorry I haven't been posting on here a lot. I'm super stressed out lately.

It was after lunch. 3rd period. My classmate's heads all were bent over “Their Eyes Were Watching God” while He watched me. While I watched her; over the split spine of the novel. I watched her lips, rose bud pink, move as she read. Her finger with the silver painted nails ran along the words to keep her place. Last Friday I held that hand and painted her nails with my silver polish. Would she have let me touch her if she knew how I felt? Probably not. Her bedroom walls are covered with cut outs of Johnny Deep and Chris Pratt - my walls have vintage pin ups. I say I like the art; but its not just that. I like the bodies because they look like her's when we change out for gym. I despise myself for that. Sarah's eyes catch mine. She sticks her tongue out when and I wink back I feel electricity. The hairs at the back of my neck stand on end and the sad part is; I don't think it carries across to her. She doesn't shiver, she doesn't blush, and thank God for that because I don't think I could handle it.

[challenge] key lime, [challenge] chocolate, [author] cricket

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