Skin Stars

Jan 28, 2015 18:40

Author: Amata le Fay

Title: Skin Stars

Story: Crossfire - RP

Flavor(s): Teaberry 28 (if I can stop one heart from breaking,/I shall not live in vain)

Toppings/Extras: Caramel, Gummy Bunnies (OTP Prompts Tumblr: Imagine person A with freckles all over their body. Person B kisses them and calls them skin stars.)

Rating: PG13 (nudity and implications thereof)

Word Count: 231

Notes: “They're scars, not stars.” // Fluffy fluff fluff. Also, Teaberry finished! Huzzah!

“Every time I look at these, my heart breaks a little.” He runs his hand along the curve of her wing until he reaches where it meets her back. There are cuts in the skin, and furrows dug by angry fingernails years and years ago rest as a monument to the pain Morian had been through. Javert pulls her closer to him and sighs.

“Well, we can't have that, can we?” She raises an eyebrow. Her voice gives no indication of sorrow over her scars-she is all dry wit and teasing. Javert nearly falls in love with her again for it.

“Can I call them skin stars?”

She rolls around to glare at him. She has taken off her patch, so a red light shines in place of her left eye, but it is the right that has more of an impact in its exasperation. He knew what The Look meant. Are you trying to be sweet? Stop trying to be sweet. It's ridiculous, you idiot.

“Well, can I?”

Morian pauses. “They're scars, not stars.”

“Your beauty makes them into stars.”

“You're trying to be sweet again.” She crosses her arms over her bare chest. His grin only widens.

“Should I apologize for it?”

“Don't bother.”

He takes it as a seal of approval and kisses the stars on her face, which shine brighter than the laser of her artificial eye.

[author] amata le fay, [topping] caramel, challenge complete, [topping] gummy bunnies, [challenge] teaberry

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