Fudge Ripple #10

Jan 27, 2015 02:50

Rating: PG-13
Flavors: Fudge Ripple #10 (fear)
Extras/Toppings: Pocky
Word count: 100
Project: From a Place Past Paradise
Notes: Quickwrite. Considering elaborating on Annalise.

“Is this…Is it over so soon?” She whispered, hoarsely.

Her eyes roamed her surroundings, not focusing on anything in particular but searching-searching for what exactly, she did not know. Where was the guiding light that her people mentioned? This was her guardian, right?

Cocking his head, a grin rushed onto his face. Glistening white teeth appeared as lips pulled apart, corners of his mouth lifting up, up, up. He leaned in close, so much so that Annalise could feel the moisture from his breath on her ear.

“You will wish that it was.”

Not an angel, but a demon.

[author] ruhgeenuh, [extra] pocky, [challenge] fudge ripple

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