Pistachio Big Bite

Jan 21, 2015 18:27

Author: Bitz
Title: Life After The Drama
Rating: Teen-Mature
Pistachio Big Bite 4. Theatre 7. Bath 8. Storytelling 24. Retreat 26. Taking a Break
Topping/Extra: Caramel
Story: Exotic Fire Series
Summary: Six months after the events in Ablaze. The daily lives of a now blended family.
Characters: Honorée, Cowen, Heaven, Savannah and Donovan
Word Count: 1433
A/N: My gosh! I have FINALLY finished this flavor!

4. Theatre

Between bites of my popcorn and staring at the big screen currently showing hopefully the last Transformers movie, I glance over at Honor and the girls who have their eyes glued to the screen. The girls were excited to see the movie as was their mother and I was all to happy to take them to see it. To me, the franchise was wearing thin on me; I could do without another movie, but by the end of it, it looks as though it was still going to continue.

As we travel in the truck back to the house-my hand intertwined with my sweet lady’s, Honorée looks relaxed sitting back against the seat and her face looks deep in thought.

“What’re you thinking about, Darlin?” I ask, glancing back at the now sleeping little girls in the back seat.

Honor glances over at me and then she cocks her head, saying, “I think you could do that, Baby.”

“Do what now?”

“Make a Transformer like they did in that warehouse.”

A moment passes in silence as I absorb what she just said. I scoff and look back over at her hoping that she’s just playing around, but nope. Her face looks quite serious.

“How do you figure that?”

“You’re always tinkering around in the garage fixing stuff.”

I turn right at an intersection, multitasking talking with her while keeping my eyes on the road.

“Yeah, but I just mess with motorcycles, Honor. You know that.” I reply. I was good but not THAT good.

Honor smiles at me before squeezing my hand and saying, “I think that if you had all the parts you needed, you could build an awesome transformer, Cowen.”

My heart warms and I lift her hand up to my lips so I can kiss it saying, “Thank you, baby. You have a lot of faith in me.”

“You rescued me. My faith will never leave.”

7. Bath

Giggling probably could be heard from our bathroom as well as the splashing of water over the side of our large garden tub. I scream as Cowen brings me back against his chest after my futile escape from his arms. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“We’re supposed to be getting clean, Cowen!” I laugh out.

Cowen smiles at me before leaning down to kiss between my breasts and up to my neck, his voice deep and husky. “Oh, we will. But not before getting dirty first.”

“I’m sure you’ve already accomplished the getting dirty part, Mr. Firefighter.”

I gasp as I feel how hard he is under me after being brought onto his lap. “It’s not the same with out both of us dirty though, Honor.

I stare into his eyes, seeing how serious he is and I sigh as he lifts me up, lowering me slow onto him. His hands grip firm onto my arms, keeping me in place and feeling my resolve leaving, I whisper out, “Okay, okay…let’s get dirty.”

“No need to tell me twice, Darlin.”

Needless to say, many more sounds were heard outside our bathroom that night.

8. Storytelling

“Ok…here we go. Once upon a time-um-there were these two little princesses. Savanni and Heaveni.”

“Papa, for real? Savanni and Heaveni?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong with the names?”

“It sounds like me and Vani.”

“Pfft. Nah, they are much cooler than you two.”

“Hey! I’m cool!”

“I know you are, Savannah. But are you a princess?”

“No…but one day I will be.”

“I know you will, but for now these two are princesses and stuff. Can I get back to the story, please?”

“Yes.” “Mhm.”

“Ok. These two princesses lived in a big kingdom of lights. They…They… All right, what’s so funny?”

“Hahaha…kingdom of lights? You mean Las Vegas, Papa?”

“Heaven, I know you’re smart ok? But you could let an old man tell his very intelligent story. Besides Savannah wanted me to tell a story, right baby girl?”

“Nah, I’m tired now, Papa.”

“But…I’m not even started yet!”

“It’s ok, Papa. Good night.”

“That’s how it’s going to be?”


“Princesses. Definite princesses.”

24. Retreat

She has been reaching back to massage her neck for about twenty minutes now. I just stare at Honor cleaning, wondering what the hell was going on with her and when I come up to her and put my hands on her hip she jumps a bit in surprise, moving her hair back over her neck.

“Oh, hey baby.”

I kiss her temple. “Hey, you all right? You’ve been messing with your neck a lot.”

Honor shakes her head. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just had a really tiring day at the class today.”

Convinced that she’s fine, I pull her up to me, nestling my chin in the crook of her neck. In a instant Honorée jumps from me, hissing out in pain. I take that moment to move her hair out of the way, hissing out myself in surprise at the huge bruise forming along her neck.

“What the hell, Honor! What happened to you? Did somebody mess with you today or something?” I ask turning her around and to the side to get a better look at the purplish skin. My heart is thumping with anxiety.

“No, no…nothing like that, Cowen. I told you. I had a hard day at the school. Took a wrong move and after hurting my neck I took a nasty tumble. But I’m fine.” Honor replies trying to calm me down.

I take no time in scooping her up and grabbing one of her ice packs from the freezer on the way. “Cowen! Cowen put me down!” I hear Honor shriek, but I keep my grip on her and take her to our little retreat; our bedroom.

“Are you going to let me take care of you or not, Honorée?”

Honor silences and she says, “You’re going to take care of me, babe?”

I come to the bed and lay her down on it, before wrapping the ice pack up and saying, “Yes. It’s what I’m supposed to do as your man remember?”

She nods and I lay her back against her pillow. “I know I’ve been busy at the station lately, so let me take this time to make it up to you okay?”

When she nods again, I kiss her cheek and say, “Just stay here. I’ll take care of everything.”

She gave me a smile and I knew she knew that I meant every word.

26. Taking a Break

I watch as Heaven took a seat with the guys, while taking her sandwich out of her Ziplock baggie. Naturally, she sits next to Donovan; the two were the best of friends as of late. He smiles at her and says, “I see Mama has been taking care of your hair. Must be cause I know that Cowen isn’t.”

I roll my eyes with a grin hearing them laugh as I join them at the table. Our lunch break was officially starting and I meant it when I told Heaven she would get to see every thing the station had to offer.

“Actually, Papa has been doing a good job. He helps me with my hair while Mama does Savannah’s in the mornings.”

I do a mock bow, happy that my little rocket scientist was looking out for me. Don nods and says, “That’s what’s up. I knew you had a bit of blackness in you, Hatchet.”

“Yeah. I had it in me all the time. You’ve taught me everything I know.”

Don ate some of his chips. I know that he’s trying to find the right words to say, but before he can say anything, Heaven asks, “So you guys just sit here while there are fires in peoples houses?”

We look at each other at her question and I answer confidently, “We only respond to whatever is nearest to us, Rocket.” Don nods in agreement and we think that’s the end of the discussion.

Heaven just looks at us with a confused look saying, “Well that’s stupid. If there are fires anywhere, shouldn’t you be helping your fellow firefighters putting them out. That is your job right?”

Our minds are blown. Don’s mouth is on the floor and he looks at me. All I can do is hold my hands up and say, “What did I tell you? Smartest kid I know.”

[topping] caramel, [author] bitz, big bite, [challenge] pistachio

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