Black Raspberry, Honeydew and Marshmallow

Sep 24, 2014 13:56

Author: Bitz
Story: The Soramerica Sagas-Mission Sora Saga
Characters: Seren
Rating: Teen
Challenge: Black Raspberry #14. when in Rome do as the Romans do
Honeydew #26. public relations
Marshmallow #20. applause
Topping/Extra: None
Summary: Seren gets a glimpse of the empire's brainwashing tactics
Word Count: 710

I had just gotten through savoring some of the best food in the Magenta sector when I hear cheers of excitement from afar. Following them to their destination, I notice a stage surrounded by many Soramericans. Behind the podium is a slinky overdressed man with a creepy smile. He speaks into the microphone with words I can’t even begin to understand. Feeling like this wasn’t the place for me, I turn to keep on my exploration but then I hear:

“Why should we continue to support any of those freeloaders down below? They know their place and so should we!”

Hearing shouts of agreement and applause, I turn in the next instant to hear more. I know that he is talking about the millions of starving, sick and needy people down in Old America and I’m willing to find out what more corruption he was trying to feed into these unknowing individuals.

If they only knew how wrong he was.

“They threaten us with their resistance groups like the Sentinels! The Sentinels who have already done us damage. They slaughter our beloved soldiers like cattle! Do they not have any shame?”

My blood ran fast and hot in anger as more agree with him. Us? Not have shame? They don't have to worry about being raped or beaten for no reason. Or wonder where our next meal is.

The creep continued spewing lies. "We should be thankful to our Emperor for giving us safety from the inhumanity down below. He has taken care of us in our beautiful country and has been there when we have lost our loved ones. Hopefully he will take care of those heathens once and for all. I know I for one will sleep better at night!" He sneered out with a look of disdain.

Not being able to hold it in any longer, I say in a strong confident voice, "You're wrong!" The man looks around for me. "Who said that?" He asks.

The crowd then parts so that I can fix the PR speaker with a fixed and challenging stare. "You're wrong and I'm not going to let you continue to talk about my family and my friends that way."

Whispers move throughout the crowd and the speaker looks at me with scanning stare. Possibly at my state of dress but that was irrelevant to me. "Do you know any Sentinels or resistance groups, Miss?"

"Not personally. I've heard of some, yes. But I have a question for you? Have you been down to Old America personally? Since after Sora was made?"

"No, I can't say that I have." He answered.

"Then what do you know?"


"What do you know first hand about the sickness spreading so fast that there isn't time to grab guns and kill your soldiers as you say?"

"I hear from sources."

"What do you know first hand about women being brutally beaten by your Cor Soldiers before then being raped in front of their loved ones? Your soldiers are cattle? Ha! Our women are cattle! Not that you'd care anyway. We're freeloaders? Maybe the right word to say is poor. We don't make money like you do to wear tacky ensembles like you're wearing. We wear what we currently have on our backs or hand me downs from the deceased! You would know that if you had been down there yourself!" I exclaim.

The crowd began to talk among themselves and the speaker's face turned red. From anger or embarrassment, I don't know, but he pointed at me asking, "Who are you?"

I held my head up. "A resident of Old America who is a guest in the palace. So I know things first hand, sir and I think you should get your facts straight before you fool these people any longer."

The man starts to move to come down and see me personally, but I don’t give him the chance. "Now, if you will excuse me. I have the rest of my day to enjoy. I wish a good day to all."

I move out of the crowd, smirking as I hear the man yelling into his microphone. "Hey! Hey, get back here! I'm not done talking to you! Who are you?!"

[challenge] marshmallow, [author] bitz, [challenge] honeydew, [challenge] black raspberry

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