Universe : Rue's Metaverse
Prompts : Sour Grape 5 (Let's try that again), Passionfruit 1 (to hope, till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates), Dark Chocolate 13 (inadequacy)
Type : Fill-in-the-Blanks.
Character(s) : Poyink.
Notes : This is more of a personal narrative.
I remember though; I died. And now I'm awake. Have been so for a while.
I feel full. But at the same time, light;
boink boink boink.
Why am I-- where are my--
Ah, I have returned here, as a blob; gelatinous, heavy, inactive, stagnant. Fearful, insecure, meek, empty.
Fabrics were flying; red, blue, yellow, green; as if waiting, as if reminding me. What I'd been through; what laid ahead.
I feel full. But the contents inside me...isn't good. As if they are there because they fit, not because they are good for me. I'm afraid of the things I can fit in here. Or the things I can't.
boink boink boink
It's hard to walk. It's hard to leave.
But look; what was that? A feather shone. A guide; a soothsaying. Telling me to come, telling me that there was something out there. Something I had once tried to reach.
To try again, to live again.