To the Future, My Love

Sep 01, 2014 14:41

Author: Amata le Fay
Title: To the Future, My Love
Story: Omni - Swords and Sorcery AU
Flavor(s): Teaberry 4 (all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream)
Toppings/Extras: Chopped Nuts, Malt (Back to School Challenge: Science)
Rating: 16+ (sexual overtones)
Word Count: 466
Notes: The night before she is to enter the ordeal chamber, Lady Lilander has disturbed dreams. // Poor, repressed medieval Lilah. Damn you, feudal morals! Fantasy AU last seen here.

The night before she was to enter the Ordeal Chamber, Lilander of House Ellerby dreamed of looming buildings with parts that moved of their own accord, without magic, turning and turning about themselves. Turning and ticking. No magic, her mind kept insisting, and when her dream self tried to call a light from her fingers, as any seven-year-old could do, nothing came. Instead, pools of light opened from above her, accompanied by an eerie buzzing sound. There were threadlike wires in the ceiling. The light was passing through them.

"What is this place?" Lilah stepped forward. The room appeared to be made entirely of metal. She could see her reflection in the red-gold floor, it was polished so--she looked out of place in her heavy skirts and jewels. Her hands reached up to undo the braided knot of her hair, letting it fall onto her shoulders. She removed her surcoat, then a few layers of her dress. Her mind fought it, but her dream-self insisted. This is not the world you are accustomed to, it told her. This is the world you were created for, but in order to fit in you have to let your medieval trappings go.

There she stood in a pale green undergown that clung uncomfortably to her body, hair loose, all sense of propriety gone. This is the world you were created for.

And a nearly naked Inara was there, holding her and kissing her and running her hand up and down Lilah's curves. She wore red, like a vixen, and was made up like a harlot. Lilah's body moved with the other girl's for a moment before restraint took over and she pushed Inara away. "This isn't right, this isn't proper. They'd burn us for this."

"Not here," the duchess breathed with a smile. "Not in this world. Here ladies may do as they wish, and lords as well. There are woman kings and anyone can be a mage, not just nobility, if they can build a brilliant machine. Come to the future with me, my love."

"I-" Lilah looked at her reflection again. She was back in her full court regalia. Its weight chained her to the floor, and Inara was moving further and further out of reach. "Wait! I need to think--don't walk away from me!" She pushed back tears. "Don't leave me! 'Nara, please!"

Lady Lilander, second daughter of Jonathan, Earl of Ellerby, woke surrounded by midnight. She called light from her fingers and took a deep breath. It was just a dream.

Magic from the Omniscience Stone must have seeped into her mind a little. All part of the Ordeal. All to test her will. But Lilah was determined that her will not break. She would be failing her sister's memory if it did.

[author] amata le fay, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] malt, [challenge] teaberry

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