Scene from a Previous Life

Aug 31, 2014 15:04

Author: Amata le Fay
Title: Scene from a Previous Life
​Story: Coded Politcs (RP)
Flavor(s): Summer Challenge TV Tropes Bunnies 11 (brick joke)
Toppings/Extras: None
Word Count: 359
Rating: PG
Notes: To him, they all have beautiful minds. // SUMMER CHALLENGE COMPLETE. Also, was asked by my co-RPer to writer Roderigo ordering a pizza. Cue scariest pizza order ever.

When she walks in, Pedro and Isabella are on the couch playing phone games and watching TV as Roderigo sits at an empty kitchen table, scribbling. "Hi, honey, I'm home," she says wryly. The kids greet her. Roderigo does not.

"Roddy," she calls.

"I ordered pizza for the children, but it hasn't come yet, can you make them something?" He doesn't look up, doesn't stop writing. He hasn't in a long time.

"You were supposed to make them dinner."

"I know. I'm working on a new nerve surgery procedure to treat ALS. Can you make them something?" That's it. It's that simple to him.


"Please don't nag, it doesn't become you."

"Our children need to eat!"

"Other people's children need to live." Roderigo puts the pen down and stands to walk over to his wife. "I'm sorry. I thought the pizza would have come by now."

"This isn't about the pizza," she says, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "This is the time you're supposed to be spending with our kids. Do you care about your own children at all?"

"Of course I care," says Roderigo. "They have beautiful minds-"

"Think about more than just our brains, Roderigo! We're not just brains in a meatsack carrying case! We're people! What are you?"

Roderigo is calm and collected and terrifying for it, like he is not hurt at all, merely thinking of a suitably cold response. For the first time, wife really sees her husband, beyond the eloquence and social graces and pretenses of relationships. She sees singlemindedness, determination, driving curiosity and brilliance. She sees kindness, but not morality. She sees the world and its people as he sees them, as unique and beautiful minds to be dissected, learned from, owned. Used only to strengthen himself.

There is a silence. After a moment, the mother says, "Pedro, Isabella, it's bedtime, go upstairs." Neither child dares break the silence.

At 11:31 p.m., she makes her decision. Roderigo is still at the kitchen table. The pizza finally arrives--mushroom, olives, sausage and extra cheese. He slices into it like he wishes he could slice into a soul.

[challenge] limited edition, [author] amata le fay, challenge complete

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