A Little More Chocolate, Rocky Road, Pistachio, etc.

Aug 28, 2014 10:23

Author: thewriterbear
Title: The Almighty Swing Queen
Story: The California Five - Elizabeth
Rocky Road #28 - Up in the air

Pistachio #6- reward
          Chocolate #30 - joy
Word Count: 247
Rating: PG
Summary: Liz and Andy have some fun.

“You’re not going to win!” I said, laughing.

“Oh, yes I will!” He said, a smirk on his face.  I giggled slightly at his attempts to swing higher than me. Our competition went on for a few minutes before he stopped pushing his legs back and forth.

“I give up, you are the almighty swinging queen of Sertoma Park.” He jumped off the swing, and mockingly bowed to me. “Come now, m’lady, I shall show you to your chariot.”

I blushed, and jumped off the swing. I grabbed the hand he had outstretched to me, and walked with him towards our chariot: Andy’s beat-up ‘92 Buick. He held the passenger door open for me, and then got in his side.

“Where would the Almighty Swinging Queen like to go next?” He asked, his dimples showing as he smirked my way.

“The Almighty Swinging Queen  would love her prince to take her out to lunch.” I suggested, feeling my cheeks heat just a little.

“The prince shall gladly do so.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, and then started the car.

Before long, the Almighty Swinging Queen and her prince were arriving at my favorite restaurant… El Monterey. It may have been my way of embracing the Hispanic heritage I was estranged from, but I loved anywhere with Hispanic-based cuisine. We had some decent places: El Monterey, El Tapatio… etc.  Andy knew it was my favorite, and apparently, the Queen deserved her favorite meal today.

Author: thewriterbear
Story: The California Five - Elizabeth
Title: Questions Asked At Midnight

Chocolate Chip Mint #30 - innocent

Rocky Road #30 -  left in the dark
Pistachio #30 - (not so) happily ever after

Word Count: 949
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Liz asks herself some hard questions.


“Get the hell out! Now!” His arm flung something towards me, and I instinctively ducked. “I said now!”

I trembled, but knew I had to reach the door and listen before anything worse happened. He’d calm down in the morning. I’d just go stay the night at a friend’s or something.

“Are you stupid? I told you to get the hell out of my place!” Andy screamed; his voice hard and hoarse from all the yelling he had been doing.

“I’m… going.” I quitly muttered, gathering my purse and the bag of clothes I always left by the door
 "Girl, donnya talk back to me!” He slurred, and grabbed me by the wrist. Tight. Shit. I wasn’t getting out of this one very easily.

I put on the calmest voice I could muster. I reached my  hand up to his cheek, and brushed my lips against his. I hoped that would calm him down just enough for me to leave like he had wanted.

“You little slut.” He spat in my ear, “Thinkin’ all I want is a little a you. Well, I neverah want a whore like you in here again. Get the hell outta here!”

He shoved me into the door, and I felt pain radiate up my spine. I managed to stay on my feet, but knew better than to turn my back on him.

I felt the jolt before I registered what happened; my vision blurred, and I felt dizzy. He had hit my face this time, something he usually avoided doing. Maybe leaving was the right thing to do, I thought suddenly.

His voice became quieter, softer. He wslumped against the front door of our apartment, and holding the left side of my face.

s softness. It became void of all emotion. It scared me to hear him like that, and jolted me back into the reality of the current scene, and not the memories that had been surfacing. I stood up, too quickly, and almost fell into the shoe rack that lay beside that door. I pulled the handle and walked out into the cold, dark night air.

s best this way, I thought to myself as I headed towards a busier roat really have a say, I may still be in high school, but I had turned eighteen.

t close enough to anyone from school. Times like this were when I wished I still lived in California with The Five. I missed them mtheypoorly kept secret.  I wandered down the road until I hit have a destination in my mind, but just walked along the side of the road away from the apartments.

t deserve the help.  We all learned about abuse in school :about domestic violence and how it happenst leave that kind of relationship. We all have the hotlines, and the cards with a mt do.

No matter the anger, the yelling, the torment… somewhere inside of him was the kind, caring, humour-filled boy that I had met two years ago. I loved Andy, despite his faults. I don’t think anything can change that.

I looked at my phone, and saw that it was past midnight. Andy had to be out by now, either asleep, or calmed down enough. It would be fine to head back to the apartments now.
Despite everything I had just been thinking about,  and the bruises forming on my body, I began to head back to the apartment and to the boy who had caused them.

[challenge] rocky road, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [author] the writer bear, [challenge] pistachio, [challenge] chocolate

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