Gentle Giant

Aug 26, 2014 10:53

Author: Amata le Fay
Title: Gentle Giant
Story: Omni
Flavor(s): Summer Challenge TV Tropes Bunnies 10 (tropey the wonder dog)
Toppings/Extras: Sprinkles
Word Count: 143
Rating: PG
Notes: It's easier to be one if you're a dog. // Fluffy fluff fluff. Hans is so adorable, I hate killing him in the second chapter as an unnamed character. Agh! Stupid elevator physics.

"Here, Heisenberg. There's a good boy."

The only time Hanson Gunther didn't screw up little hand movements was when he was petting the labrador. Heisenberg was used to a rough touch, and besides, he was big like Hans and bounded all over the place with a distinct lack of grace. Gentle giants, they both were. Of course, it was easier to be that when you were a dog.

"Hey, Hans! Guess what?" Dad slid open the screen door. Behind him, Papa was waving a letter and a manila folder at him. "You got the scholarship!" he said.

"What? No! You're kidding!" Hans ran towards them both. Heisenberg followed, nearly knocking Dad over as he collided with the man's legs.

"See?" said Claira as she peered out from behind Papa. "Even Heisenberg knows you deserve it."

"Oh my God." Deep breath. "Oh my God."

[challenge] limited edition, [topping] sprinkles, [author] amata le fay

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