Honeydew and Pistachio with Sprinkles

Aug 19, 2014 22:11

Author: Bitz
Title: The One Dance
Rating: Teen
Honeydew #1. slow dance
Pistachio #10. lost
Topping/Extra: Sprinkles, Caramel
Story: Hearts on Fire Series
Summary: Jade and Sawyer meet and get to know one another.
Characters: Jada, Sawyer
Word Count: 1543

The ceremony was over and Jade was too happy that it was. After giving a quick congrats to Caesar and Nayeli, she had went to the bathroom. Staring at the mirror after washing her hands, Jade fixed her makeup and walked out to find Nolan who she had left with Phoenix during the ceremony.

“Don’t know why I’m even trying; I’d be lucky to dance with a grandpa tonight” Jade grumbled as she reapplied her lipstick. A cough in one of the stall, told Jade that she wasn’t alone and that she probably shouldn’t be talking to herself, so she walked outside. “Oh, damn…I don’t know where the hell to go.” Jade said, looking around the area of the church. She was supposed to meet the wedding party for pictures but at this rate, she’d be in only one of them!

Jade rushed in one direction, holding up her dress to keep from tripping and then turned and ran in another direction when that was futile. She was about to freak out when she heard a gravel like deep voice.

“You need some help, ma’am?”

Jade turned her head to see a man dressed in dress blues which Jade automatically recognized as a Marine Corps uniform. He must have been the friend that Joey said was joining him that night. Above that uniform and under a white hat, was a chiseled face and light blue eyes. His smile was bright and happy though and Jade was all too happy for his help.

“Yes. I can’t find where the wedding party went.”

“Ah. Well, if you like, I can take you to where they are. I saw them leave the church to the courtyard.”

Jade gave a smile saying, “Yes, please.”

The man smiled and held out his arm for her to hook. “Shall we?” Jade took his arm in hers and the two started walking toward the courtyard. As they strolled along, Jade looked up at him and he glanced down in question. “I appreciate this, Soldier.”


“Pardon me?”

“Major Sawyer Copeland is my name ma’am.”

Jade chuckled, looking away to keep herself humble. When he kept looking in question, she said, “What a mouthful.”

Sawyer grinned at her and then looked ahead. “It can be, but Sawyer will do just fine.”

The courtyard came into view, but Jade barely noticed as she told him, “It’s an honor to meet you, Major. I’m Jada Millington, but everybody just calls me Jade.”

Sawyer tipped his hat. “The honor is mine, Jade.” Glancing up he then stated, “We’re here.”

Jade scowled a bit as she saw that he was correct and that the wedding party was getting situated for pictures. She started to walk over toward them then turned, seeing Sawyer standing tall with his hand in front of him. “Thank you again, Major. Perhaps you’ll grace me with a dance during the reception?”

“It would be my pleasure, Jade. I’ll find you.”

Jade tried to keep down the sudden schoolgirl giddiness that she hadn’t felt since high school and she turned to join the group. She noticed Joey’s guarded and curious gaze and she gripped his arm in reassurance. She knew that Joey was extra protective now after her relationship with Malcolm. She really didn’t know Sawyer but surely a dance would be fine. Her one night stand days were over now that she was a mother and she only hoped that it was the same for him. She’d hate to disappoint him.

The party was on point that night and Jade found that she was having a great time. She laughed as Caesar struggled to find Nayeli’s garter under all of the waves of her dress, she partied and took pictures with Fire, Mickey and Rory in the photo booth, and she tore up a rug on the dance floor with Nolan hearing all of her favorite tunes.

But then, the music started to slow down and Jade looked around for her dance partner, breathing hard from the previous boogie. But it was hard to track him down among all of the wedding guests. Jade wondered if she had been stood up and that Sawyer had left. He was a soldier after all; maybe he had a early morning.

“Excuse me, Miss Millington…”

Jade turned around seeing Sawyer standing there with a hand behind his back and the other held out. “So you showed up after all, Major.” She replied with a grateful smile.

“Of course. I wouldn’t want to miss this opportunity to dance with the most beautiful woman here.”

Jade took his hand and they started to the dance floor that had become sparse as people sat down to rest their feet and she chuckled.

“Surely you’re kidding, right? Haven’t you seen all the women here tonight?”

Sawyer could only be honest, “I haven’t been paying much attention. I just knew I wanted this dance.”

Jade stared up at him and he stared back as he got them ready to dance. His hand went around Jade’s body to rest on her lower back and she nearly melted, just feeling the heat of it through her dress and she extended her other hand with his. Sawyer gave a slight smirk as he pulled her closer to his form, letting her feel how strong he was. Jade couldn’t resist trailing her hand up his steel hard shoulder resting it there. Her heart began to move as their feet did, and she gripped onto Sawyer’s hand to make sure she kept up with him.

Lights reflected from the Disco Ball above them, draping them with dots of light and various people watched the couple dance but to Jade and Sawyer it was just them. Jade knew that she was treading on thin ice opening her heart even a little to this man who she hadn’t even expected to meet. But with the combination of his charm, his looks and his body, she couldn’t help taking the risk.

Sawyer broke her thoughts and the silence asking, “Penny for your thoughts?”

“Oh, I was just thinking to myself.”

“Hopefully about something nice like how fluid we are on this dance floor.”

Jade broke into a smile. “I’m definitely thinking about a certain Major, yes.”

Sawyer cocked his head with a wide smirk. “Oh yeah? Well, I’ll say that I’m thinking about a certain bridesmaid at the same time.”

Jade’s heart jumped with joy at his words and she changed up the dancing a bit, wrapping her arms around his neck. Sawyer’s other hand came to rest at her back and she didn’t miss the gripping motion of it. He was telling her body that he was staking his claim, but she didn’t mind. In fact, the way she was being drawn to Sawyer, if she was her past self, they would have already went to the hotel and got it popping.

But glancing around and seeing her son sitting next to his uncle coloring, brought Jade back to her senses. She looked up at Sawyer who hadn’t taken his gaze off of her. The music was coming to an end, sadly and Jade knew she would have to make her leave from this soldier. Sawyer must have felt her plight because he asked, “Don’t have time for another dance?”

Jade shook her head, “I’m sorry. I have to get my son ready to go home. It’s pretty late.”

A sort of light lit behind Sawyer’s eyes. “You have a son? Where?”

Jade turned and pointed to him. “There he is next to Joey. His name is Nolan.” Sawyer saw him and looked back down at the beautiful mother.

“What a good looking little man you’ve got there.”

“Thank you. I did my best. But people say he looks more like his daddy.”

Jade could feel Sawyer grip on her back again and she knew the question that was coming, “Is Daddy still in the picture?”

Jade reached up to fix Sawyer’s hat, instantly relieving his worries. “That’s a negative, Major.”

“Best information I’ve heard all day, Miss Milington.”

“Please, call me Jade.”

“Only if you call me Sawyer.”

“Ok, Sawyer.”

Sawyer closed his eyes slow at the way her voice said his name and he couldn’t help pulling her closer to his body.

“That’s much better.”


The music started getting faster again and Jade felt Sawyer bring their dance to an end. She smiled and began to back away only to feel Sawyer grab her hand. When she looked up at them, they were intense and dark with desire. She swallowed hard at the feeling that look stirred within her. “When will I see you again?” Sawyer asked; his voice deeper than normal.

Jade thought about it, but could only give the answer that he gave her.
“ I don’t know, Sawyer. I’ll find you.”

Sawyer laughed at her remark and Jade gave him one last smile before disappearing in the crowd to her son.

[topping] sprinkles, [topping] caramel, [author] bitz, [challenge] honeydew, [challenge] pistachio

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