Consort Pocky x2 (Summer Challenge, Chocolate Chip Mint, Cheeseburger, Rocky Road + Pocky)

Aug 10, 2014 13:00

‘Verse: ☼ The Sun, Radiant ☼
Challenges/Toppings/Extras: Summer Challenge ‘14: Special Brownie #15 (Life used to be so hard) & Akutaq #17 (___ Grown); Chocolate Chip Mint #18 (ancient) + Pocky
Rating: G
Title: Consort Pocky I
Summary: The Watwanyasi are used to their children leaving for greener pastures, but…
Notes: For a brush up on everything I’ve written about the Watwanyasi, see here.

The Watwanyasi keep ancient tradition alive in the Brushback, but even they for whom their cultural history is so important must allow wanderlusting young ones to roam far from them. So it was that a boy-turning-man of sixteen left one year to see the land to the west, never to return.

So it was that the cycle continued on, green-bud spring to grass-tall summer to wheat-reap autumn to wind-snap winter and back again, and word came from travelers that the Galethrush boy who was gone from them forever had become Arambh’s First Consort Ravir.

‘Verse: ☼ The Sun, Radiant ☼
Challenges/Toppings/Extras: Summer Challenge ‘14: Special Brownie #28 (Turn your heartache right into joy); Cheeseburger #7 (do not want), Rocky Road #1 (big city) + Pocky
Rating: G
Title: Consort Pocky II
Summary: The truce between Fallstar and Arambh left some people hanging…
Notes: Meh, history.

Many merchants in Arambh’s capital, Ishan-Loknath, who had become rich on the business of war found their pockets and safes empty when the Emerald Agreement, as it was called, failed to crumble to dust. That many suddenly-penniless arms dealers was a den of vipers waiting to be stepped on, and so Queen Ruhana, advised by First Consort Ravir (who, despite his beginnings, was quite clever), arranged a solution to pacify them. The head arms-merchant gave his younger son, Vasyasa to be Second Consort, and Her Grace delivered handsome compensation to all the former war dealers in return.

Silver Level Achieved!

[challenge] limited edition, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [extra] pocky, [author] likelolwhat, [challenge] cheeseburger

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