FotD, Summer Challenge, Banana Cream

May 31, 2014 00:51

Author: Saya
Universe: Standalone
Rating: Teen
Flavor: Flavor of the Day: penultimate (next to the last), Summer Challenge #8 (please check to see if you're still breathing)
Toppings/Extras: Gummy Bunnies (prompt: Bonfire source: OneWord)
Wordcount: 129
Warnings: Dark stuff, off-hand reference to character death
Notes: Based off a poem of mine The Dryad's Dance, which is in turn based upon old legends that talked of Faeries and Goblins tricking people into dancing until they died.

Round and round and round you spin. Weaving in and out of swirling circles comprised of people, Fae, and other things you've only dreamed about; never dared hope existed. Vaguely you remember there is life outside what dances in the ring of the bonfire, but the memories are just as murky, just as faded, as the darkness beyond.

Laugh and twirl, laugh and twirl; this is your existence now.

And if you sometimes catch flashes of hunger behind bright eyes, or feel the tingling of exhaustion working its way up your limbs, or notice the way your breath catches and heaves, unable to keep up; you push those dark thoughts aside, because it is time to dance.

Still, you can't help but wonder if they'll ever find your body.

Author: Saya
Universe: Windswept
Rating: PG
Flavor: Banana Cream #7 (hush)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 66
Warnings: Reference to a natural disaster

Even the howling of the wind did not drown out the uncontrollable sobs of the little boy curled up in my lap. I tightened my arms around him, feeling his fists clench the fabric of my shirt in response.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay," I mummer in his ear over and over and over again.

Somewhere in the repetition, I almost convince myself.

[challenge] limited edition, [author] saya, [topping] gummy bunnies, [extra] pocky, [challenge] banana cream, [challenge] flavor of the day

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