Introduction - Fudge Ripple #25 #3 #21 #12, Strawberry Banana #15 #13 #14 #16, Mango #7 #21 #30 #28

May 18, 2014 21:53

Howdy, y'all! I'm Sarah, also known as gothicgorilla (and bellagorilla). I found out about RaTs from my sister (Saya). I have about a billion stories I'm working on, so I'm sure you'll see lots of different worlds from me.

Author: Sarah Silverback
Universe: Liz and Rod
Rating: G
Flavor(s): Fudge Ripple #25 Affection - Strawberry Banana #15 Unrequited feelings - Mango #7 If only you knew
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 85
Warnings: None
Notes: -

Liz wrapped a quilt around her shoulders. It was a cool January morning. She wiggled her toes in the wet grass. There had been a light rain only minutes before. Would he make it? Could he find her house in the rain? The feelings she held for him welled up in her chest. If only he felt the same way... "Liz!" Rod greeted her as he closed his car door. She touched her hand to her eyes and blinked once; twice. If only he knew...

Author: Sarah Silverback
Universe: Liz and Rod
Rating: G
Flavor(s): Fudge Ripple #3 Exhaustion - Strawberry Banana #13 In a foul mood - Mango #21 Resting my eyes
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 70
Warnings: None
Notes: -

She could barely read between the vision loss and tears. He loved her. February fourteenth. Valentine's day. Rod had sent her a note saying he loved her. She fell back into her armchair, holding his note to her chest. She fell more from exhaustion than anything. Rod would be mad if she didn't rest when she was tired. So she closed her eyes, planing to rest them for a moment.

Author: Sarah Silverback
Universe: Liz and Rod
Rating: Teen
Flavor(s): Fudge Ripple #21 Gulit - Strawberry Banana #14 Fortunetelling - Mango #30 #@$*! (curse of choice)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 68
Warnings: F-bomb
Notes: -

Feelings of guilt washed over Liz as she sat quietly in Rod's car. They had just come from a fortuneteller. She had told Rod all about Liz's vision loss; how Liz would be completely blind in a month, around April. "Ah, fuck it." Rod pulled over. "I'm sorry, Liz. I just wanted to know everything about you, but not like that." He kissed her lips gently. "I'm sorry."

Author: Sarah Silverback
Universe: Liz and Rod
Rating: G
Flavor(s): Fudge Ripple #12 Temptation - Strawberry Banana #16 Out of habit - Mango #28 15 minutes of fame
Toppings/Extras: Pocky
Wordcount: 54
Warnings: None
Notes: -
"Fifteen minutes of fame," Liz sung, the radio booming in the background. "The temptation's just too great." Rod sighed, tapping the car window. "Ah, sorry." Liz nervously smiled. "Habit of mine. I always sing when I'm nervous." Rod smiled. "It's fine; I understand." Liz sighed. Would she be able to see his smile tomorrow?

[challenge] mango, [author] sarah silverback, [extra] pocky, [challenge] strawberry banana, [challenge] fudge ripple

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