Shallow Brooks (Summer Challenge, Strawberry Banana, Kiwi-Strawberry)

Apr 30, 2014 21:04

‘Verse: ???
Challenges/Toppings/Extras: Summer Challenge ‘14/Special Brownie #8 (Listen not to what's been said to you), Strawberry Banana #15 (unrequited feelings), Kiwi-Strawberry #17 (tempo) + Pocky + Sprinkles
Rating: PG (petty cruelty)
Title: Shallow Brooks
Summary: The gift of...
Notes: I'm going to go ahead and pretend I am on the East Coast and it is already the 1st, because I'm coming down with a fever and cannot stay up until it's the 1st here.

The first thing I noticed was how fast he talked. His face was ordinary, but that boy should get a medal for the land speed record of gab, if nothing else.

I think he liked me on sight, but I disliked him on sound.

Lany, you’re funny, he’d yak (never was able to say my full name) with a squeaky giggle. That made me laugh, but of course he thought it was with him, not at him.

I’m cruel, but at least I could not bring myself to say it to his face. Shut up.

Best not to say anything.

[challenge] limited edition, [topping] sprinkles, [challenge] kiwi-strawberry, [extra] pocky, [challenge] strawberry banana, [author] likelolwhat

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