Author: Amata le Fay
Title: Bloo -bare - ee
Ether Lands (RP)Flavor(s): Flavor of the Day (grimalkin: a cat)
Toppings/Extras: Cherry (animal POV)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 195
Notes: Word of the Day pops up, I just had to write a Blueberry piece. Asher/Josu's cat speaks her piece.
Blueberry was born blind, with only the vague idea of Mama (musky fur, milk, low meows, purring and licking and cuddles) in her head, some odd brushes with other kittens' fur (siblings, more squeaks than meows), and the thick, wet gas hanging in the air and ringing in her ears (ether, need to get away from it).
She was also born without a name, but when her little eyes opened, three syllables kept coming from the Thing That Feeds Her's mouth. Loose. They didn't sound alike. Bloo. Bare. EE.
The Thing That Feeds Her had to work on his meowing.
Soon she figured out that Bloo-bare-ee was what the Thing That Feeds Her called her, and when Mama stopped moving 'cause the gas was too thick (ether, need to get away from it), Bloo-bare-ee was what she called herself. Blueberry made it her life's mission to get the Thing That Feeds Her to take her somewhere without the gas (ether, need to get away from it).
That was before she realized that he controlled the gas (ether).
Then she made it her life's mission to get him to take her somewhere away from the ether.