Daiquiri Ice #5, Key Lime #13, Lemon Lime Sorbet #2--"Apologizing"

Apr 17, 2014 21:45

Title: Apologizing
Rating: PG
Challenge: Key Lime #13 “old flame”; Lemon Lime Sorbet #2 “public place”; Daiquiri Ice #5 “shaken not stirred”
Story: Maybe December
Summary: Allyson and Jamie get an unpleasant interruption.
Word Count: 538
Note: The last time I worked on anything related to this story, or this community, was over a year ago. Darth Real Life stole me away, and still has me kind of imprisoned in a champagne glass...but I kinda snuck out and found a couple of unfinished pieces that I meant to post but never did, so maybe I should try to do that now.

“Maybe I'm biting off more than I can hope, but...” Gwen bit her lip and smiled at Jamie “...look, can we find someplace isolated to have some conversation?” She glanced toward Allyson. “Maybe you could give us a few minutes alone?

Allyson glanced at Jamie's ex-girlfriend. “You have nothing to say that can't be said in front of me.”

“I'm not trying to steal him back. I just need to apologize for how I broke up with Jamie.”

“Say it here,” Allyson declared.

“Right here on the sidewalk?”

Allyson stepped right to allow a couple of teenagers with neon pigtails and shiny vinyl backpacks to pass. The girl with green pigtails mouthed “You go!” to Allyson. Obviously this verbal sparring was going to attract attention. Allyson was fighting on behalf of Jamie's damaged heart. A large hole still existed within his emotions, caused by a cowardly break-up via leaving their place in the afternoon instead of letting Jamie know the relationship was over by more mature communication. Jamie swore off dating indefinitely, and threw himself into opening up the pub. It was great to have a thriving business in the wake of heartache, but it also functioned as a way to avoid giving love another chance. He was the old-fashioned romantic type who liked relationships. Gwen's harsh act nearly made him bitter. If he gave up back then, Allyson never would have stood a chance that night she walked into the pub...

Jamie stood away from the chaos. His normal self would have confronted Gwen about her sudden appearance back in the same city where she had left him behind. But when she walked up and said “We need to talk”... he went silent.

Gwen had to be following them, although from where Allyson couldn't guess. Stalking just to apologize was the act of a desperately-seeking-attention seeking-drama princess. It was always her life that mattered, her needs that demanded to be satisfied. She demanded absolution in the middle of a busy street on Saturday afternoon. It didn't matter if Jamie was ready to forgive Gwen, or if he ever wanted to forgive her. It wasn't any of Gwen's concern if Jamie was embarrassed by her public declaration.

“Say it.” Jamie interrupted the silence. “If you feel it's necessary to apologize, then do it now. But that's all. No more dramatics ever again.”

Gwen opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out.

Jamie looked in Allyson’s direction. “This won’t take long. Let her say what needs to be said. Then we can part ways.”

Allyson stepped back. “Should I get out of the way?”

“It makes better sense if we get off the street. All three of us.”

“Do you really need an audience?” Gwen asked him.

“There’s no reason what you need to say can’t be said in front of the woman I love.”

Allyson smiled. She never would have imagined Jamie could include her in this little spectacle. It wasn’t most ideal way to spend part of her Saturday afternoon, but if this interruption would close a gaping hole in Jamie’s past, then Allyson could step aside and support him.

[challenge] key lime, [challenge] daiquiri ice, [author] leiamoody, [challenge] lemon-lime sorbet

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