Wildberry 9, Rum Raisin 12, Rhubarb 20

Apr 14, 2014 13:21

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy universe, During NIEE
Challenges: Wildberry 9 (gone fishing), Rum Raisin 12 (guide), Rhubarb 20 (what do you have there?)
Toppings & Extras: None
Word Count: 343
Rating: PG (for violence to fish :P)
Summary: Beau catches his first fish. Mick and Jay are amused.
Notes: More from this month’s edits!

Before anything more could be said, Beau jerked as his line went taut. “What...?” he started in shock.

Jay snorted. “You’ve got something on your line. No need to panic. Reel it in. Let’s see if it’s worth keeping for my dinner.”

The other man shot him a look but got to work reeling it in. The fish put up a serious fight and, by the time Beau pulled it above the surface, both Jay and Mick were very curious about just how large the fish had to be. When it turned out to be barely more than six inches long, both Jay and Mick burst out laughing. Beau smiled proudly anyway. “Should I keep it?”

“Throw it back. By the time we skinned it and took the head and tail off, it wouldn’t be worth it, except maybe as an appetizer,” Mick said.

“How do I get it off the hook?” Beau asked after another minute of surveying it proudly.

Jay groaned, reaching out to snag the line. He expertly pulled the fish off the hook and offered it to Beau, who held it with fascination. “How have you never gone fishing before?” Jay asked.

Beau shrugged. “It was never something I felt the urge to do. I can hunt, though,” he added.

“So you won’t starve in the wilderness, good job. Fishing expends a lot less energy, though.”

“Are you sure I can’t keep it?”

Mick and Jay exchanged a glance. “To eat or as a pet?”

“To eat. Well, to feed Jay.”

“It’s a bass. It would taste good,” Jay said and shrugged. “Go ahead and kill it now.”

Beau stared at the fish with some horror. “How do I do that?”

“Give me the fish,” he sighed and quickly and expertly killed it before nudging the bait bucket back to him. “Now let’s see if your beginner’s luck will last long enough for me to get a full meal out of it.”

Beau eagerly affixed another piece of the bait and tossed it back into the water, sitting forward.

[challenge] rum raisin, [challenge] rhubarb, [author] casey, [challenge] wildberry

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