Story: Anticipation (My King series)

Apr 03, 2014 22:29

Title: Anticipation

Author: skybirdday

Challenge: Chocolate # 20 - caution; Chocolate #22 - anticipation

Summary: more  letters between Daisuke and Athena

Series: My King


It is good to hear from you after a few months. So Lady Leto and Lord Gwynn are wed. I wish them a long life of love and happiness as I hope for us one day. Are you looking forward to your visit to my kingdom?

your beloved, Daisuke


Yes, it is goo to hear from you too. I do look forward to the visit to your kingdom. It will be a relief after the King reveals who I am to the nobles of the four kingdoms and what I will be. I am not looking forward to the taunts and jeers that await me. Pray for me.



You should not worry. You are more noble and kind than those that say they are so. I am sure that you will do fine. If not, then they are unworthy of you. Also I wish to let you that some of the sailors near our city's port have become sick and it affects it seems all the ports in the other kingdoms. They have something that seems to be a cold and some have painful boils. I seek merely to warn you. Perhaps it is harmless and perhaps not. Until you come to me.

Your Daisuke


You think so highly of me. I try to do what is right and I know you do the same. It is your kind heart that made me fall in love with you and I hope that will be the same when we are old and grey and have many children and grandchildren around us. You make me feel so proud of whatever I accomplish. Before I would feel shame, now I do not. It is not of my linage or my name that makes me successful, but it is my decisions and my hard work that do. Whether it does or does not go well, I shall be thankful for your love and support. Also thank you for the word about the sailors. Some here are severly ill and are being attended to by healers. Perhaps it is merely an illness passing though.. .I do not know. Until I am in your arms. . .

Your Athena.


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