Vanilla #6, Licorice #6, with pocky.

Mar 30, 2014 13:20

Author: Rainechan.
Rating: PG.
Challenge: Vanilla #6 - Dinner Party, FotW: Licorice #6 - All The King's Men.
Extras/Toppings: Pocky.
Word Count: 100 words.
Genre: Urban Fantasy.
Story: Elementals (My NaNoWriMo 2013 novel).
Summary: Mosaruun returns his target.
Notes: I love how the FotW prompts are just fitting right in with where this story is going... XD

It had been a while since Mosaruun had eaten a bountiful meal at a table.

The rich man had given the Mercenary his reward for the return of his less than faithful wife, and had invited him to join he and his warriors for dinner.

A young boy ran into the room crying, but was quickly ushered out by a slave.

“May your youngest grow to be the strongest.” The redhead toasted, despite not seeing a resemblance.
“And may you become rich off of the misery of others.” The rich man countered in turn.

Mosaruun smirked. How right he was.


[extra] pocky, [author] rainechan, [challenge] licorice, [challenge] vanilla

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