Cloves #11 with whipped cream

Mar 02, 2014 23:30

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Cloves #11 (pushing up daisies)
Story Arc: Pleasant Surprise
Title: Clues
Toppings: whipped cream (Adam is about 11-12), butterscotch
Summary: Adam learns more about the human with his dad.
Word count: 342
Notes: Hello everyone! I got one in! I'm hoping to keep up with it and work on my own stuff again. :)  Enjoy!

Adam frowned at the clue on the puzzle in front of him. It didn’t make sense to him. He tapped his pen against the surface of his desk as he read it out loud.

“A human saying that refers to death. I don’t get it they don’t say death they say something else. What could it be?” Adam scratched his head as he looked at the other clues that he hadn’t match up to the meanings. He had four human sayings left. There was like a hurricane, but he didn’t think that fit. Then there was a drop in the bucket, a tossup, and pushing up daisies. Adam had a feeling a drop in the bucket wasn’t the right one either so that left a tossup or pushing up daisies, but he couldn’t figure out which one worked.

Adam grumbled as he sat back in his chair. I didn’t think this would be so hard. He looked up at the knock on his doorframe as Bernard walked in.

“Hey kiddo, what’s up?”

“Hi dad. Oh dad! Hey do you know this?” Adam grabbed the puzzle and handed it to him. “I’ve been stuck on this all day.”

“Let’s see, which one are you stuck on?” Bernard said as he looked over the puzzle.

“The one about another way humans say death. I want to say tossup, but that’s not right is it.”

“Nope, but you narrowed it down to the right one. It’s pushing up daisies.”

“Really? How come?”

Bernard shrugged. “It’s one of those things that humans do. They have a lot of sayings in their world.”

“Okay, thanks!” Adam smiled as Bernard handed him back his puzzle and he quickly filled it in. “Um, can you help me with the others?”

“Sure can. Let me grab a chair and we can work on it.”

Adam nodded. “Okay.”

Bernard grinned as he ruffled his hair before he looked for an extra chair in Adam’s room. Adam sat back and looked at the puzzle again.

It didn’t look as hard as before.

[challenge] cloves, [author] blossomdreams

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