Winter Vacation

Dec 07, 2013 17:10

Author: Bitz
Title: Winter Vacation
Rating: Teen
Green Tea Big Bite #12. Winter, 18. Tea Time, 16. Deadline, 15. modern, 19. fashionably late, 21. recently, 23. hourglass, 25. countdown
Topping/Extra: Caramel, Chopped Nuts (Aija and Yvone Get Along AU)
Story: Take Two and Call Me in the Morning
Summary: The events during the winter vacation that Aija, Hikaru and Yvone take together in Colorado
Characters: Aija, Hikaru, Yvone
Word Count: 1329
A/N: Thanks goes to hi_falootin for the earlier big bite posted. This really gave me the push to finish this flavor!

12. Winter
The snow fell soft outside of the lodge but Aija barely noticed as she kept her focus on the fire crackling in front of her. She shivered under her blanket wondering how in the hell she was still cold after Hikaru had put almost two dozen of them on her. She wasn't really fond of the cold which was strange seeing as it got pretty cold back in North Carolina during winter. She was happy that they had surprised her mother with this winter lodge vacation for her birthday and Christmas, but now she wished that she had surprised her with Jamaica instead. 'I just prefer to be warm. Too bad there are two more months of this wintery crap.' She thought as she glanced over at the kitchen seeing her fiance and her mother bustling around.

"Do you want tea, Nari?" Her mother asked her in a loud voice.

"Is there coffee? I'd prefer that."

Hikaru spoke up, "I'll start on it, koi."

Aija smiled, not ashamed at all that somehow the attention moved from her mother to her in that moment. If anything...she'd blame the cold for all of it.

18. Tea Time
"The tea is good."

"Oh thank you, Ms. Yvone. I got it from my mother who obtained it from Japan."

"Oh, ok. That's good to know. Nari, how is your coffee?"

"It's good, but now that Hikaru says that the tea is from Japan, I should have gotten that."

"It's too late now you picky woman. Now you have to finish that."

"I know, babe. I know and I will. But...can I just have a sip of yours?"

"Nope. Beggars can't be choosers."

"Grr...insufferable man."

16. Deadline
After peeking in on her sleeping mother, Aija walked into the living room where it was dark except for the glare of a laptop screen. Aija shook her head and reached over to turn on the lamp as Hikaru blinked and looked up at her. " You know...that can hurt your eyes; typing in the dark like that." she stated.

Hikaru sighed with a smile. "You caught me. I was trying to make sure I sent in my notes to the hospital. It needed to be in by tomorrow. I wasn't going to stay on long."

Aija came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissing his temple. "I would hope not. I have to rely on you to keep me warm out here in Alaska, you know."

Hikaru chuckled. "Colorado is hardly Alaska, Aija."

Aija shrugged at his statement. "Close enough." Hikaru looked up at her. "Are you not warm? I can turn the heat up?"

Aija smiled soft at his sentiment; he was always trying to make her happy. " I can always be warmer."

Hikaru then shut down his laptop quiet as possible, got up just as quietly and then walked up to Aija who was in shock as she suddenly found herself being picked up into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist in habit. "Hikaru..."

"I know another way we can keep warm...and I'm sure you'll prefer this way."

He was pleased, hearing Aija's slight moan while he kissed up her neck. "But my mama...she's in the room sleeping..." Aija tried to protest, but it was a weak effort and Hikaru knew he had her.

"Then I suggest you keep quiet."

Aija nodded and then giggled as he quickly ran out of the living room to their bedroom.

15. modern
Rolling her eyes, Aija looked side to side for her mother who was supposed to be here so that they could go skiing. Hikaru glanced down at Aija and noticing that she was fidgeting nervously, held her hand to calm her. "Don't worry, Aija. She'll come. We still got some time because remember, the guy said he'll wait a couple more minutes.

"That was 10 minutes ago, Hikaru. This is so like her. What time is it?"

"Well, I would know...but my phone has no service right now."

Aija looked at Hikaru quickly and then laughed loud. "That's why you have a watch! I men and your technology." She looked down at the watch on his wrist and was about to growl out in frustration when she heard " I am!" Aija looked up and then covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my Lord..."

19. fashionably late
Yvone was running up the slope, covered in the brightest colored ski suit that Aija had ever seen. Hikaru gave a low chuckle, observing the sight. "Well now we know why she took so long."

Aija wanted nothing more than the earth to swallow her whole from her embarassment.

"With that outfit I wouldn't mind her being a couple more minutes late to change again."

21. recently
"Where did you find this place?" Yvone asked as she joined Hikaru outside the house. The breaths of the two were combined as if smoke was coming from a chimney. "My colleague pointed me toward this one. I'm glad he did too because I had no idea where to pick for you. Aija had told me you like snow so this seemed like a good choice." Yvone gave a smile that reminded Hikaru so much of his Aija. "Yes! It's so beautiful out here. I don't know how to thank you."

Hikaru held up a hand. "No thank you neccessary, Ms. Yvone."

The two chatted more through the afternoon and then the question fell. "Is Aija still mad at me for what I did?" Hikaru looked over at Aija's mother and he said, "Not as much as before, I believe. She has really changed in her views of you. She wants you to be her mother."

Yvone wiped a tear from her face, her emotions all over the place. "Yes. I do too. More than anything."

"Then now is a good time to start."

23. hourglass
Yvone looked up to see Aija walking in still bundled up in a blanket. "Still cold, baby girl?" She waited for an answer while looking at the tell-tale hourglass that signaled that Days of Our Lives was coming on. Aija nodded and joined her on the couch, where she covered them both up. They both watched the show in silence. Hikaru slept in the bedroom. Aija after a while looked around awkwardly; she never would have thought she would be here sitting next to her mother as if whatever happened when she was a child didnt happen. It was as if she grew up...normal. Was she happy? Sure, who wouldn't want their mother with them in their lives? As Yvone looked over at her, Aija knew that things had definitely changed for the better. A year or so ago, she would have never had wanted to be anywhere around the woman who selfishly made her life a living hell, but thanks to Hikaru teaching her how to calm her spirit, she was happier than she had ever been. She smiled back at her mother and the two finished the soap opera in silence.

25. countdown
It was only about 10 minutes away from midnight on Christmas Eve and Hikaru found himself with two women who were scrambling to find which one present they wanted to open. He was at first adamant about not letting them do it, but between Yvone's whining and Aija's perfected puppy dog look, they had won him over. "Only 5 more minutes, honey!" Aija exclaimed as she kept looking. "All right. Hurry and find your present, Koi." As he watched her and her mother; nearly twins they looked so alike, he smiled, in awe of how much his woman changed over the years. It wasn't a easy task to accept the mother that left her, but she did it and was more happy because of it. Her happiness was all that mattered to him.

"Midnight! Come on, Mama! Let's open the presents!"

"All right, baby girl!"

The only sounds that Hikaru could hear now were the sounds of paper being ripped open.

[topping] chopped nuts, [topping] caramel, [author] bitz, [challenge] green tea, big bite

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