strawberry shortcake xxiv

Sep 15, 2013 17:48

Title: little deaths in musical beds
Author: lealila
Summary: Falda brings news
Verse: under your skin the moon is alive
Challenge: Strawberry Shortcake XXIV [friends on the other side]
Rating: PG
Word Count: 376
AN: Title from Panic! at the Disco. 'Eds' is pronounced 'Ed-say.'

little deaths in musical beds
falda brings news
“My Lord, is there anything else you require?”

King Lennon waves a graceful hand at her. “No, Falda. You may retire.”

She curtsies deeply. “Thank you, My Lord.”

He does not say a word-as usual-as she departs from his chambers. Shutting the door quickly and carefully, Falda hurries to the maid’s chambers on the bottom of the castle. She needs to make sure Jaeqar knows of the king’s plot to kill the princess!

Falda spies a kitchen maid once she reaches the last corridor to the chambers. “Miss! Miss Rose!”

She halts and curtsies low. “Miss Falda, how can I assist you?”

“Have you seen Jaeqar, the princess’ weapons master?” Since she works directly for the king, Falda rarely gets any information about Snow White and her staff; even downstairs, walls are carefully erected between daughter and step-father. It is hard for Falda to relay information about King Lennon’s plots and schemes, but after years of silent feuding, the staff has had plenty of time to practice their communications.

Rose used to bring the Queen (may Eds rest her soul) her tea every evening. Sometimes, she brought news of the King’s plans as well.

“His usual spot, Miss.”

“Thank you, Rose.” Falda hurries off, not daring to say more. Even in the castle, there are some who do not sympathize with the princess.

She turns left at the end of the corridor and spies Princess Snow’s Huntsman in the shadows. “Jaeqar.”

Pushing himself off the wall, he bows his dark head. “Falda.”

“He plans to kill her,” she breathes quietly. “That is all. I would not have been certain if that was even a plan if he were someone different.”

“At least we know,” he murmurs. “I will tell Snow tonight.”

Breathing easy again, Falda glides closer to him and the shadows. “It’s only been a week.”

Gently, Jaeqar caresses her cheek. “King Lennon,” he scowls, “has never had the time straight.”

“No,” she says. “I suppose not.” Closing her eyes briefly, she pushes against him. “Go tell her, now, please. I am afraid that if we wait too long-.” Feeling suddenly alone, she opens her eyes and cannot spy Jaeqar anywhere.

It is as if the shadows have suddenly stolen him away.

[challenge] strawberry shortcake

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