Author: Shadowstar
Story: The Academy
Challenge: Vanilla 1 (shopping)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 949
Summary: Leah and Shauna go shopping for the first time.
Notes: Having a few problems with livejournal, hoping this posts okay.
“Um…what are you doing?” Leah asked as Shauna pulled into the supermarket car park. “Why are we shopping here?”
Shauna looked at her mystified. “What do you mean why are we shopping here? Where did you expect us to shop?”
“I’m not really sure,” Leah replied. “I just thought it would be a little more, well, upmarket than this.”
Shauna laughed. “Sorry Leah, I’m afraid our budget won’t stretch to ‘upmarket’ as you call it. This, and places like it I suppose, is where we’ll be shopping for the foreseeable future. Come on, let’s get this over with shall we? I hate shopping at the best of times, Saturday afternoons are by far the worst for it though. But beggars can’t be choosers I suppose and this is the only time we could use the car. I can’t see you getting on a bus with a load of shopping bags somehow!”
“I can’t see me on a bus full stop,” Leah said primly. “Disgusting, dirty, unhygienic things they are. Full of dirty, sweaty, smelly unhygienic people.”
“You really are something you know,” Shauna said as she got out of the car. “How on earth you’re going to survive the next five years if you won’t use public transport, won’t buy supermarket own brands, insist on designer clothes and want to employ someone to clean a two bedroom flat and cook your meals I don’t know! I think you’re in for a serious shock to the system my snobby friend.”
“I’m not snobby! I can’t help it that I was raised properly can I?”
Shauna raised an eyebrow. “Raised properly? Is that what you call it? All I’ve seen so far is you looking down on those who are less privileged and sneering at the way they live. Their shops aren’t good enough for you. Their homes aren’t good enough for you. Their cars aren’t good enough for you. Get a grip Leah, you’re living in that world for the next five years, you’d best get used to it.”
Shauna snagged a shopping trolley as they passed and the two girls headed into the supermarket.
“Wow, so much stuff,” Leah muttered gazing around. “Where do you even start?”
“I’m guessing you’ve never been shopping before,” Shauna said. “Have you ever done anything that normal people do?”
“I don’t know,” Leah said. “I don’t really know what normal people do to be honest. I’ve been clothes shopping plenty of times but the servants always took care of the food shopping. I never really thought about it I suppose.”
Shauna shook her head. “Well let’s get on with it anyway. We’ll just go up and down the aisles and grab what we’ll need for the week. Just be warned, the Academy don’t exactly give us much to live on each week so we’ll need to be careful. Things like that are definitely way out of our budget.” She reached out and plucked a dvd from Leahs hand. “At least until we’ve got the essentials out of the way that is. We’ll see what we’ve got left when we’ve got enough food and stuff in for the week.”
“This is not going to be much fun” Leah said rather sullenly. “Sounds like all we’re going to be able to buy is boring stuff. What are we supposed to do to keep ourselves entertained if we can’t afford dvds? And if we can’t afford dvds we sure as hell aren’t going to be able to afford to go out at any point.”
Shauna sighed. “Look Leah, I don’t know anything more about the Academy than you do. Let’s look on the bright side shall we? We have a flat, we’re not stuck in dorms, we’ve got the freedom to come and go as we please and we’re in reasonably familiar surroundings. Unlike some from what little I could gather from talking to people yesterday.”
“Familiar surroundings?” Leah glared around her at the other shoppers, the shelves packed with goods and turned back to Shauna. “This sort of environment may be familiar to you but I can assure you it is not familiar to me! I have never been in a supermarket before in my life. I have never been surrounded by these sorts of people before. I’ve never had to stoop to doing my own food shopping on a limited budget before!”
“Keep your voice down will you!” Shauna hissed. “People are looking at you.”
“Let them look!” Leah said, making no attempt to lower her voice. “I really don’t care to be honest. Three days I’ve had to live like this now and I’ve had enough. I want to go home!”
“Well sod off back to wherever you came from the love,” a man called out. “We don’t need the likes of you coming here looking down on us. Go on, piss off.”
There was a murmur as several other shoppers agreed with him.
“Look, why don’t you go and wait in the car,” Shauna said. “I’ll finish up the shopping on my own. Probably be quicker that way anyway. And once we’ve got it home and packed away we’ll go and see whether there’s anything going on tonight. I dunno about you but a girly night out sounds good right about now.”
For a moment she thought Leah was going to continue her outburst but to her relief the other girl sighed and nodded then turned and made her way towards the exit. Watching her go Shauna sighed. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to cope with an over grown toddler for the next five years. Why, oh why had they not given her a roommate more like herself?