
Jul 06, 2013 16:45

Title: Gone
Author: Amata le Fay
Story: Omni
Flavors: Chocolate Chip Mint 14 (saturated), Pomegranate 23 (AWOL), Dark Chocolate 29 (emptiness)
Toppings: Sprinkles, Cherry (first person)
Extras: Pocky
Rating: PG
Word Count: 96
Notes: First part (chronologically) of the “Becca: Missing” series. After several emotional breakdowns and spirals into depression, 16-year-old Becca disappears for several days, throwing those around her into a panic. ( Here's the end.) This is from the POV of her mother. Concrit always welcome.

My mother always told me I was the type that feels too much, filled to the brim with emotions and struggling so hard to keep them all inside. Becca must have gotten that from me-she was never the type to hold back, never. But... but now that she's... now that she's missing, I can't even describe it, it's like I'm full of all the things I don't want and empty of all the things I do. Filled with emotions, yes, empty of emotions, yes-oh, blast it, I'm such a mess-

She's gone.

My baby girl's gone.

[topping] sprinkles, [author] amata le fay, [challenge] dark chocolate, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [extra] pocky, [challenge] pomegranate, [topping] cherry

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