Anwyn (Vanilla + Summer Challenge + Pocky)

Jun 23, 2013 20:56

'Verse: Sparksong
Challenges: Vanilla #16 (unexpected luxuries/simple pleasures) + Pocky + Road Trip Challenge Week
Title: Anwyn
Summary: Our first vacation destination is...
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Notes: The first of what I'm thinking of as 'travel pocky' for my verse. Beyond the brochure though! And it is still the 23rd here so nyah.

Nothing was quite like summer sunrises in Anwyn.

Granted, one had to get up appallingly early (or stay up appallingly late - little difference) to see one, but the first rays of a new day reflecting off the mountain snows and the tundra grasses had no equal in beauty.

When the runoff was at dangerous heights, the sparse people of the snow country would collectively pause to breathe in the smell of iceflowers and glacier water, see the growing sunlight create rainbows on every stream, and listen to the birds of the tundra welcoming another brief but glorious summer.

[extra] pocky, [author] likelolwhat, [challenge] vanilla

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