At the Festival (Vanilla, Chocolate, RHC)

May 26, 2013 10:35

Master Work: Sparksong
Challenges/Toppings: Vanilla #19 (games/sports), Chocolate #10 (awe), Red-Hot Cinnamon #4 (firebreathing)
Rating: G unless gambling is a thing.
Title: At the Festival
Summary: A really bad idea from the start.
Notes: Eh, filler. This might turn out to be another Chopped Nuts. We'll see.

It was like going with a rambunctious four-year-old. Takoda darted in and out of the crowd, running ahead and getting behind in equal measure. Once he appeared at Zahra’s side munching on an apple (where would he have gotten an apple? They were out of season!) she gave up, reduced to the old “he has to make mistakes to learn from them” line of thought. She tried not to think that it was applied to someone her age, instead of a child, too much.

She stopped to watch a spirited tug-of-war. She had just placed a wager on the weaker-looking team - since she of all people knew appearances were deceiving - when something over the betting-man’s head caught her attention.

A blast of fire, bursting above the crowd on the other side of the street.

She glanced back down to finish her bet, but then she saw something else. It was Takoda - of course - breathing the flames, making the crowd gasp and throw their money down on the stage as the fire curled into fantastic shapes. Twisting rivers, the maws of dragons, birds in flight.

Zahra snatched her money back from the betting-man and stomped over to lay down the law. This was one mistake that he’d never be able to learn from if she didn’t.

[challenge] red hot cinnamon, [challenge] chocolate, [author] likelolwhat, [challenge] vanilla

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