Beloved Part 1 (My King series)

May 14, 2013 22:58

Title: Beloved
Author: skybirdday
Challenge: Boysenberry #1 - one step closer/Butter Pecan #2 - sharp
Rating:  Teen
Summary:  Lord Daisuke comes to visit Lady Athena

(Sorry.  It has taken me four months to finally get this story finished)

Part I

Athena stood with Leto and Gwynn in a field as an arrow hit its mark.
 "You hit the bullseye again, my lady, and spiltting through two arrows," said Gwynn.
 "'Tis not hard.  I had three brothers and as the only girl, I had to keep up with them.
My oldest brother Malcolm taught me how to shoot.  He had the patience of our Da.  Eventually,
after years of practice, I bested them all.  It was a proud day," said Leto.  Then she turned
to Athena and said "Who taught you to shoot, Lady Athena?"
 Athena smiled.  "My grandmother.  Actually, that is how my grandparents met.  Another
young Lord challenged her to a competition and my grandfather stumbled upon them.  He admired
her spirit and determination in winning even though the lord tried to cheat.  He courted her
for two years before he went to her father to ask for her hand in marriage.  Great-Grandfather
Aiden was not going to let his oldest go before then."
 Leto shook her head.  "That was cruel to make him wait so long."
 "Don't be so angry, Leto.  That was his way."
 "Still if my Da was like that, I would demand him shorten the courtship."
 "Stil my grandparents had a happy marriage."
 Leto smiled.  "Do you wish the same for you and Daisuke?'
 Athena blushed.  "Yes, I would like a small courtship of one to two years and then I
will marry him."
 Then a voice came and said "You would, beloved?"
 The three turned and Athena smiled.  "Daisuke!  You are here!" she said with a smile as
she saw the tall dark haired man riding towards them on his black horse.
 "Of course.  I said that I would be coming.  It is good to see you, beloved," he said,
looking at Athena with a smile.
 "Are you sure it was all right for you to come?"
 "Yes, Isamu said that it would be all right and he does have another advisor named
Dai to help him.  He grew up with the king and will help King Isamu and Queen Hana with anything
that they need.'
 "How long are you going to be here?" said Athenna.
 "A month."
 "I believe that it is time that Lady Leto and I leave you two alone," said Gwynn with a smile
as he took Leto's arm and they left, walking away from the couple as Daisuke got off his horse to
stand in front of Athena.
 "Beloved," said Daisuke softly.  "May I hold you in my arms?"
 Daisuke took her in his arms as they pressed closer together as he let out a sigh.  "Perhaps
Hana or Isamu should have come with me as a chaprone."
 "Why?" asked Athena with a frown.
 "At night, I sometimes dream about you with the moonlight caressing your bare skin as you
lay in my arms."
 "As if we were lovers?"
 "Hai," said Daisuke, a soft blush coming upon his face.  "But that can wait.  I want to love
you like a husband and wife should.  Gentle and tender as if you were something fragile.  Hot and
rough if you wish to be taken or perhaps you wish to take me instead.  Hands and tongues taking a
journey to explore each other.  I am sorry.  You're blushing," he said.
 Athena looked away.  "Do most people love like that?"
 Daisuke smiled.  "Everyone likes something different.  We will have plenty of time to
explore. . .to find something that we enjoy together."  He let her go and grabbed her hands.  "Come,
you said that you had a garden here.  Take me to see it."
 Athena nodded as she and Daisuke walked quietly to the garden in question.


For the first week, Athena attended to her duties as a guard during the day while Daisuke accompanied Gwynn at times.  The next few days, Athena and Daisuke spent time in each other's company, walking the grounds, and talking.  Leto and Gwynn left them alone, letting the two lovers spent time with each other.
 On the second week, one day as they were walking Athena saw something coming towards them.  "Look, isn't that Leto and Gwynn?"
 "Yes," nodded Daisuke as they walked towards them.
 "Hello, Gwynn and Leto, how are you both doing today?" said Athena.
 "We are fine, Athena.  Lord Daisuke, I must thank you for coming.  You make our friend Athena shine with love."
 Athena blushed as Daisuke smiled.  "Athena makes me a better man," he said.
 "Enough about us.  What about you two?" said Athena.
 "I am thinking about a decision," said Leto.
 "What is that?" said Athena.
 "I was thinking of having my father pick me a man to marry," said Leto.
 "Like an arranged marriage?" said Daisuke.
 "Yes, I will be good for me to settle down.  Almost all my brothers have except for one.  It should not be hard to find someone."
 "What about falling in love with someone?" asked Gwynn.
 Leto smiled at him.  "Gwynn, sometimes it does not happen that way.  I learned that when I was younger.  Sometimes the one that you love does not return your feelings."
 "I'm sorry," said Athena.
 Then Leto turned to face Athena and Daisuke.  "I am envious of the two of you.  To find the one that you love and to hold on to them.  I wish both of you the best and much happiness in your upcoming marriage."  Then Leto looked away.  "Forgive me.  I am taking up the time that you have together.  Come, Gwynn," she said, walking away from them.  Gwynn turned and gave them a soft sad smile before following her, leaving the couple alone.
 Athena leaned her head on Daisuke's shoulder.  "Beloved, is it not sad that Leto cannot find someone to love?"
 Daisuke smiled.  "It seems that Gwynn did not like it either."
 Athena looked up at him.  "What do you mean?"
 "Did you not see the look on his face?  He was sad when she announced that she was going to let her father pick her a husband?"
 "Gwynn is in love with Leto?"
 Daisuke chuckled.  "Have you not noticed after all this time, beloved?"
 "Apparently not."
 Daisuke frowned.  "Do you think that he will tell her?"
 "I do not know."
 "Shall we continue our walk in the gardens?"
 Athena nodded as they walked to the vast gardens.

To be continued in Part 2

[author] skybirdday, [challenge] butter pecan, [challenge] boysenberry

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