lady_leia_soloStory: The Mondian Chronicles (
Title: Princess Anne and the Marriage Dilemma
Challenge: Milk Chocolate 20: surprise, Pineapple 12: are you going to eat that, Spiced Pear: meat & potatoes (turnips in this)
Topping(s) and Extra(s): Butterscotch (400 years before current time)
Word Count: 221
Summary: The royal family eats dinner. Some more than others.
Rating and Warning(s): G; None
Note(s): So this was basically an excuse for me to write Anne. I've been wanting to write her for the past few days. She's about fifteen in this piece. Nonna means grandmother in the language of Canillo (Which is where the majority of Anne's ancestors hail from)
Anne scarfed down the turnips.
“Careful little one,” Her father said. “You don't want to get a stomach ache.”
Anne swallowed. She turned to her grandmother, Queen Dowager Beatricia.
“Are you going to eat that?” She asked pointing to her beef.
Beatricia frowned and pushed her plate forward. Anne reached for them eagerly.
“I don't know where she puts it,” Beatricia said to her son.
Claude laughed. “Perhaps she has two stomachs?”
“Yes,” Beatricia said watching Anne. “Perhaps she does.”
“Have you thought more about the princess's marriage?”
Anne coughed. A slice of beef had went down the wrong way.
Claude looked at his daughter. “Perhaps Anne should pick out her own consort?”
“What?!?” Anne and Beatricia exclaimed.
“Anne will be queen,” Claude said. “I say she's responsible enough to pick her own husband, wouldn't you?”
“Yes!” Anne said bounding out of her chair.
“But Claude,” Beatricia started. “How will she know which husband is correct?”
“Nonna, I am perfectly capable of picking a suitable husband,” Anne said somewhat affronted.
“I doubt it,” Beatricia murmured.
“Hey I heard that!”
“There's still plenty of time for Anne to marry,” Claude said smiling at his daughter. He ruffled her dark curls.
Anne smiled. “So are you going to finish that?”