Chocolate chip #1, Quince #23, Guava #23 with Butterscotch

Mar 23, 2013 01:27

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Chocolate chip #1 (radical), Quince #23 (I won’t take no for an answer), Guava #23 (more than you can chew)
Story Arc: Pleasant Surprise
Title: Brilliant Ideas
Toppings: Butterscotch
Summary: A escort mission out of an Ice Demon town won't be too hard, right?
Word count: 868
Notes: Hello! This was supposed to be for a FOTD, but it ended up longer than the drabble I planned and decided to work on it some more. This is the situation Albert talks about in Always have your back. Enjoy!

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.” Bernard soothed as he helped a group of Fire Demons to cross the bridge. Albert and their teams were nearby to make sure everyone got across safely. They rescued a group of Fire Demons from a basement of a castle own by an Ice Demon fraction set on spreading their power to other areas by torturing Fire Demons. Albert and Bernard rescued the hostages and took down the fraction. However the castle was in the middle of Eila an icy area that was ideal for Ice Demons, not for Fire Demons.

Bernard cupped his hand and blew fire to keep his hands warm. He cursed when they walked to the ice lake in front of them. Alene and her healing team were on the other side ready for to take care of the injured and sick, but the ice didn’t look too sturdy. Bernard looked behind him at the small crowd that needed their help; he had to try to make it across.

“Everyone! Ease across the ice slowly!” Bernard shouted as the crowd murmured sounds of agreement. He steeled his nerves and stepped on the ice. He felt his fire go down, but he had enough to keep warm. He looked over at Albert who helped demons step on the ice and led them to the other side.

Halfway through the ice under their feet started to crack. Bernard cursed and tried to walk faster as more cracks traveled through the ice. He sighed in relief when he made it to the other side. Bernard continued and grinned when he saw the healer tents in the distance. They were almost there just a few more steps and they could leave. He looked over to tell Albert the news when he saw his team, but not Albert.

He stalked over to Carl, Albert’s second in command, and tapped his shoulder.

“Carl, where’s Albert?” Bernard asked.

Carl paled. “He’s not with you?”

“If he was would I ask? Where is he?

Carl gestured to the ice. “I wanted to go back, but Albert told us to keep going and not to stop until everyone made it across. I thought he made it, but…”

Bernard didn’t hear the rest of Carl’s statement as he bolted to the lake. He knocked the heel of his boot against the ice until the ice cracked under his feet.

“I’m not leaving you behind. I don’t care if you get mad at me I’m not leaving you behind.” Bernard said before he jumped in. He had a few minutes before his fire wouldn’t be able to keep away the chill that traveled through his body. Bernard swam around as he looked for Albert. His heart dropped to his stomach as Albert sank deeper in the water.

No! No! No! Bernard swam over to Albert and wrapped an arm around his waist. Once he had a grip on Albert he took them back to the surface.

Albert gasped and spluttered when he hit the surface. “B-Bernard! Why?”

“Shut up and l-let’s go.” Bernard stuttered as he swam back over to the edge as Albert shivered against him. He helped him to the surface and tried to get some fire to come to his palm. He cursed when nothing, but a few sparks appeared. Bernard turned to Albert who hadn’t stop shivering since they left the water. He stopped the futile attempts to get fire as he tightened his grip on Albert’s waist.

“Come o-on Alene isn’t far from here.”

Albert nodded as Bernard carried them the rest of the way.

In the medical tent on the outskirts of the town, Alene tried not to lose her temper. They settled the hostages and transported the ones in critical condition to the hospital. However, two important people were missing and she was ready to set something on fire or punch someone in the face, whatever came first.

“Where are they!?” Alene exclaimed.

“I told you Bernard jumped in the water before I could tell him that Albert wanted us to get the hostages to safety no matter what.” Carl said as he avoided Alene’s eyes.

Alene growled as she balled up her fists. “You didn’t go back to check! What if they were hurt? Or worse! If they’re not alright I’ll…” She turned when a soaked Bernard and Albert walked inside.

“G-Got him…” Bernard smiled and swayed as Albert slumped against him.

Alene ran over to catch them and slowly eased them to the ground. “I need three healers over here now!” She moved a wet strand off Bernard’s forehead and started to peel off his wet clothes. Alene and her team moved quickly to get them settled and their bodies stabilized. She checked their heat and pulse levels an hour later. When everything showed up normal, she sighed in relief.

“You two know how to worry someone. I’m going to have to check into one of these beds soon.” Alene laughed softly as she pressed a kiss on Bernard’s forehead and did the same to Albert.

She knew a story about what happened would come soon, but that could come later. They were unharmed until Bernard had another good idea.

[challenge] chocolate chip, [author] blossomdreams, [challenge] guava, [topping] butterscotch, [challenge] quince

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