Flavor of the Day + Blueberries: Storms

Feb 15, 2013 10:34

Author: lady_leia_solo
Story: The Mondian Chronicles (Archive/Index/ Timelines)
Title: Storms
Challenge: Flavor of the Day (obnubilate: to cloud over; becloud; obscure)
Topping(s) and Extra(s): Blueberries (It is the business of the future to be dangerous; and it is among the merits of science that it equips the future for its duties.- Alfred North Whitehead)
Word Count: 126
Summary: A storm is coming
Rating and Warning(s): G; None
Note(s): This takes place in 1105 AW, a few months after the accession of Prince Henri as King of Monde. Aimeric was one of Jean XI's most trusted councilors and friend.

“A storm is coming,” Aimeric Delacroix observed.

His wife, Camille, looked out the window.

“The sun is shining, sweetheart.”

Aimeric sighed deeply. “I'm not speaking of the weather. Things are changing.”

“You mean at court?” Camille asked picking up on the tone of her husband's voice.

“Yes, this boy...our king. He is not like his father. He isn't as moderate or as temperate. He's headstrong. He's already started filling the councils with his and his wife's favorites. I fear my own place shall soon be taken from me.”

Camille smiled and reached for her husband's hand.

“You must believe that everything will be alright. He is his father's son, after all.”

Aimeric nodded. “Yes, but I fear in the worst ways.”

[author] lady leia solo, [extra] fresh fruit : blueberries, [challenge] flavor of the day

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