Cotton Candy 21+ Gummy Bunnies, Strawberries: Etrangement

Jan 22, 2013 20:48

Author: ladY_leia_solo
Story: The Mondian Chronicles (Archive/Index Under Construction)
Title: Etrangement
Challenge: Cotton Candy 21: locked out
Topping(s) and Extra(s): Gummy Bunnies (estrangement from this Tumblr), Strawberries (Jan. 23, 2013 POTD)
Word Count: 161
Summary: This would be her home until he came to his senses.
Rating and Warning(s): G; None
Notes: This piece takes place in 1118 AW. Therese's husband, Henri I of Monde, has banished her from the court in favor of his mistress, Anna Everart. The name of the home is Les Bleu Manor (The Blue House) which he had built around 1111 AW.

“We are here, Your Majesty.”

Therese looked out the window of what would be her new home. It was in the style of the old Canllian homes she had seen. It didn’t compare to the majesty of the Spring Palace, but it looked comfortable enough for a prison.

Therese stepped out of the carriage. This was to be her home for the foreseeable future. Since she had arrived in this country, she had stayed in the Spring Palace. But now her husband had temporarily lost his senses and had banished her to the outskirts of the city.

The guards opened the door and Therese and her ladies stepped inside. The manor was cold, probably the result of no one inhabiting it for at least four years. Therese rubbed her hands together.

“Shall I make a fire, my lady?”

“Yes,” Therese said looking around. “Until the Beatua makes his decision and His Majesty returns to his senses, this shall be our home.”

[extra] fresh fruit : strawberries, [challenge] cotton candy, [topping] gummy bunnies, [author] lady leia solo

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