lady_leia_soloStory: The Life and Times of Mari (
Partial Bios)
Title: Awry
Challenge: Cherry Chocolate Chip #27: disbelief
Toppings: None
Word Count: 501
Summary: Daniel spontaneously kisses Mari. It doesn't go how he planned.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Notes: Megan is the girlfriend of Luke, one of the Dirty Rebels (the band) members.
Daniel sang-well screamed- the last lyrics of his song as the rest music winded down. The few people in the crowd clapped as Daniel took off his guitar strap and left the stage.
His eyes met hers immediately and he headed over to her direction.
She smiled as he made his way to her.
“Hey, you were really good up there,” she said as he drew closer.
He smiled and bent down and kissed her. It was slight and very quick, but Daniel Smith had just definitely kissed her.
She drew back. “What was that for?” She asked.
Daniel stopped smiling and scratched his dirty blonde hair.
“I don’t know, I was just looking at you from the stage and watching you smile and I thought it would be nice if I kissed you,” he mumbled out.
Mari didn’t say anything, she just stared at him.
“I don’t know what to say,” she finally said.
“Goddamn Mari, it was just a kiss,” he said turning away from her.
“But we aren’t dating or anything and it just seemed out of nowhere…” Mari trailed off.
“Do you have to overanalyze everything?” Daniel said suddenly.
She looked up. “Excuse me?”
“You go over every fucking thing a million times in your head. You should just try relaxing or something.”
Mari crossed her arms over her chest. “Well I’m sorry for the trouble that’s caused you,” she said stiffly.
Daniel sighed and held up his hands. “Look I didn’t mean to seem like an ass. But you’re so uptight, Mari, it’s ridiculous.”
Mari bit her inner lip. She saw Megan coming up behind them.
“Look I’m just going to go, okay? I guess I’m too fucking uptight to be at this show anyway.”
She turned on her heel and stormed away.
“Mari!” Daniel called starting to go after her.
Megan stopped him. “Where are you going, Dan? You know you have another set.”
“I really don’t give a flying fuck right now, Megan,” he said trying to step past her.
“You might now care but the band does,” she said lowly.
“Oh yeah right, the guys haven’t been invested in the band for awhile now.”
Megan sighed and shook her head. “Dan, you have a commitment to the band. Remember that?”
Daniel started at her for a long time. There were a few patrons coming back. He sighed.
“You’re right, Meg.”
She smiled. “Now get up there and sing your ass off. Sing so loud Mari can hear it.”
Daniel grinned then frowned. He had really messed things up with her tonight. He shouldn’t have kissed her, but she looked so sweet out there in the audience. He had promised himself he wouldn’t get into anything with her. But he was having a hard time sticking to that. But he had too. He just wouldn’t bring up this incident again. With that thought, he climbed back up to the stage and strapped his guitar back on. It was time to do the damn thing.