Bubble 16: Homecoming Dances and Art Classes

Sep 02, 2012 15:57

Author: lady_leia_solo
Story: Ashwood Girls ( Index)
Title: Homecoming Dances and Art Classes
Challenge: Bubblegum 16: a dance/ball/party
Toppings: None
Word Count: 713
Summary: The Ashwood Trio discuss the upcoming Homecoming Dance at AHS at lunch. Chloe invites Jennifer to sit at their table, but not without some reproach from Jessica.
Rating: G
Notes: Takes place in October 2011.

“So who are you going to vote for Homecoming Queen?” Madison asked Jessica at their lunch table.

Jessica took a bit of her salmon salad and chewed it before answering.

“If I can’t vote for myself, I don’t see the point.”

Chloe rolled her eyes across from the two of them.

“Jessica, you know you can’t vote for yourself and even if you could, it’s for seniors. We aren’t even juniors yet.”

Jessica turned her nose up. “That’s an archaic rule. I’m going to call a meeting about this.”

“Are you serious?” Chloe asked playing with the top of her water bottle.

Jessica glared at Chloe. “Yes, I am Chloe. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“It just seems so trivial. Why not wait until you’re a senior instead of causing a raucous over it now?”

“Because I am a Johnson and what we Johnsons want, we get.”

Chloe clicked her tongue but didn’t say anything more.

“Hey Chloe, there’s the refugee,” Madison said pointing to someone behind Chloe’s back.

Chloe turned and indeed saw Jennifer. She was emerging from the lunch line.

“Hey Jennifer, want to sit with us?” Chloe yelled across the room.

The entire cafeteria looked in Jennifer’s direction. She blushed and made her way over to their table.

“Why did you invite her to sit with us?” Jessica hissed.

“Come on, Jess, she’s nice,” Chloe whispered.

Jennifer pulled out a seat next to Chloe and sat down. She smiled at them.

“Thanks for asking me to sit here. Everywhere else is so crowded.”

“No problem,” Chloe said smiling at her. She turned back to Jessica who was glaring at her.

“Do you know how many calories that burger has?” Madison asked pointing to Jennifer’s lunch.

Jennifer smiled. “I have tennis classes after school. So I need the energy.”

“You play sports?” Jessica asked snidely.

“Yup,” Jennifer said taking a bit of her burger. She chewed and swallowed it before reaching for a fry.

“Do you get sweaty?” Madison asked with wide eyes.

“Maddie of course she gets sweaty, Jesus,” Chloe said.

“Don’t use the lord’s name in vain,” Madison said.

Chloe smacked her lips. Madison was always a stickler for things like that. She couldn’t even say oh my god without her busting a lung. Probably came from having a reverend for a father.


“So refu-I mean Jennifer. Who are you voting for Homecoming Queen?” Jessica asked leaning over the table.

Jennifer looked up. She glanced at Chloe who shrugged.

“I don’t know. I just transferred in and I didn’t think it would be fair for me to vote.”

“Nonsense. What about for Homecoming Duchess? That’s the title for the sophomore girls,” Jessica asked.

“I don’t know I haven’t thought about it,” Jennifer said taking a sip of her chocolate milk.

Jessica frowned, but didn’t say anything else.

Jennifer turned to Chloe. “So have you been practicing with the oil paint?”

Chloe looked up surprised. “Yeah I have! I’m really getting better with it.”

Jennifer smiled. “That’s good, it took me forever to get the hang of it bu-“

“You’re still insisting on taking art for an elective?” Jessica butted in.

Chloe sighed. “Yes I am. Beside it’s too late to change now.”

“My uncle is the principal, I could get him to pull some strings and…”

Chloe tuned out. Jessica was always reminding people of her connections. She swore the girl found a way to mention that her dad was the mayor at every interval.

“You should be taking a foreign language anyway. It’ll look better on your transcripts,” Jessica finished.

“I’m not worried about my transcripts and if it pleases you, I’ll worry about things like that,” Chloe said firmly.

Jessica opened her mouth to say something, but Chloe stood up.

“I’m finished. Are you Jennifer? We have Art II after break.”

Jennifer looked from Jessica to Chloe and back again.

“Yeah I’m done,” Jennifer said standing up. She picked up her tray and followed Chloe over to the trash cans. They dumped their paper plates before exiting the lunch room.

“She is so going to get you back for that,” Jennifer said quietly.

Chloe smiled. “I know, but it was fun to see the look on her face.”

The girls laughed and walked out to the courtyard.

[author] lady leia solo, [challenge] bubble gum

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