1. I am putting together some new flavors from my piles of odds & ends and proverbs. If anyone has flavor lists or ideas they would like to share, let me know! You can email lists to shayna@wi.rr.com. 12-15 prompt themed flavors and language flavors are especially appreciated now that we have fotm.
2. I've been considering a new type of flavor - fandom-based prompts. (yes, this comes out of a self-indulgent urge to make Doonkleberry a flavor) Flavors would be 10-20 prompts and contain tropes, quotes, titles or well-known tidbits particular to a canon or artist (tv, literature, music, etc.) that could easily serve as prompts for other canons. At this point I'd just like to know if people are interested in such a thing. I will post further details on how they will be managed if you are.
3. With adding new flavors, I have been making an updated version of the profile in my own lj. I have not yet gotten to the
master list. It's already huge and I am debating breaking it down into multiple pages. I'd like your feedback on that. ETA Space is of no concern either way; this is strictly about what you guys would find most navigable.
4. The Olympics. I know a lot of people expressed interest in either a team or solo event. I have to say I've got nothing. I haven't been writing. I haven't been terribly motivated to devise challenges for myself to fail. Most of the people who told me they wanted challenges haven't been writing much either. I don't want to go to any great lengths to put together a challenge no one is going to do. So please let me know if you are interested and intend to participate and what sort of events you want to have and if you're willing to help put something together.