Title: Hijinks
Author: Amata le Fay
Force-Benders Flavor(s): Chocolate Chip Mint 29 (invisible), Peach Pie 3 (she flies with her own wings), Dark Chocolate 10 (derision)
Toppings: None
Extras: Pocky
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Random silliness from the students. I don't even know how such a non-serious story came out of such serious prompts, but enjoy. Concrit appreciated, as always.
“You're all insane!” Kaeti called. Kali shook her head and scoffed, “Idiots.”
“You have to admit, though,” Amalia giggled, “it is pretty funny.” She glanced up at the library ceiling again and both she and Einan burst out laughing.
Isis had taken it upon herself to grow a pair of wings-and it had worked. Now she was flying around looking like some demented Egyptian deity, wreaking havoc in the process.
Before Kali could retort, someone poked her. She whirled around, then cursed as Adaso's disembodied voice shouted, “Sucker!” Not to be outdone by Isis, the boy had made himself invisible.