Two snippets with toppings

Mar 27, 2012 20:57

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Keep an Eye On Him
Prompts: Strawberry Shortcake #7: second star to the right, Irish Coffee #6: shamrock + pocky + malt (No one man should have all that power - Power, Kanye West) + gummy bunnies (500themes #181: no excuses offered)
Rating: PG
Words: 72
Characters: Firebird Blaze, Madoc Blaze
Summary: St. Patrick used the shamrock to demonstrate the sign of the cross when he was converting the Irish to Christianity. Firebird explains the Blaze's take on religion to Madoc. Madoc is four here.

"...thanks to the generous support of our parishioners and the Good Lord, we now have a new home of worship." The priest waxed poetic about his new church but Madoc's attention had been caught.

Madoc tugged on Firebird's skirt until she bent down and he asked, "Mama, how much did the Good Lord give to build the church?"

Firebird considered his question. "Enough that we have to keep an eye on Him."

Story: Blaze Mafia Family
Title: Weird Habits
Prompts: Garlic #2: under a ladder, Irish Coffee #8: luck of the Irish + pocky + malt (Nina's easter egg) + gummy bunnies (500themes #96: bewildered madness) + butterscotch
Rating: PG
Words: 71
Characters: Flynn "the Nose" Healy, Achille Blaze
Summary: Just a snippet that popped into mind. Achille and Flynn are friends, but that doesn't mean they understand each other. I don't know if Italians have the 'under the ladder' bad luck curse but let's pretend they don't.

Flynn stopped walking suddenly. "Fuckin' hell!"

Achille watched Flynn step backwards out from the propped up ladder he'd just walked under. He crossed himself then spat three times through the ladder rungs and crossed himself again.

Flynn sighed in relief when it was done. "Tha' was a close one."

Achille opened his mouth to ask what in the hell that was about, but he shook his head and kept walking. Irishmen.

[extra] malt, [inactive-author] kaitygirl, [challenge] irish coffee, [topping] gummy bunnies, [extra] pocky, [challenge] garlic, [topping] butterscotch

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