Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Banana Cream #20 (read)
Story Arc:
Pleasant SurpriseTitle: Schoolwork
Toppings: Sprinkles (Albert), whipped cream (Albert is sixteen in this piece), malt Summer Challenge #64: "I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top." - an English professor at Ohio University
Summary: Albert has to redo an assignment and he doesn't know why.
Word count: 791
Notes: Here I'm going to show a bit of Albert's school life. Mr. Wilkerson is awesome and now I want to write more about him. I hope you guys think he's cool too. Oh and I counted I hit the 100 story mark a long time ago. I'm pretty happy with that. ^^ Now let's begin! Comments are welcome!
“Albert, can you stay behind after class? I would like to talk to you.”
Albert looked up at Mr. Wilkerson, his Practical Magic teacher, and nodded. “Yes sir,” He ignored the chorus of accusatory sounds around him as he looked up at the board. Albert didn’t know what he did wrong, but he hoped it wasn’t too bad. He finished the paper for the class and turned in on time. That should be enough right?
Albert sighed, but looked up when Carina slipped a note in his hand. He opened it and smiled at the words. Don’t worry I’m sure it’s nothing.
I hope not. Albert quickly scribbled back and slipped it back to Carina. He smiled at the pat on his shoulder. He hoped it wouldn’t take too long. Albert didn’t want to be late to his next class.
Albert walked to the desk when the last student filed out. He nervously messed with the strap of his messenger bag. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
“Yes, I read your paper about what magical career you were interested in after school. I have to say your grammar and style are very good and you research it perfectly. However, you didn’t do the assignment correctly. I asked a career you’re interested in. I doubt you want to go into elemental magic, Albert.” Mr. Wilkerson looked at Albert over his paper.
“But…I am interested in elemental magic.” Albert shifted a bit.
“Really? I have a paper from the beginning of the year that’s different.” Mr. Wilkerson pulled it out and placed it next to the one on his desk “It says here you want to go into Necromancy and bring back honor to the art. This is a good paper. However, this one lacks the same voice I heard in this paper and your other ones. Albert, why did you change your topic?”
“I changed it because, um, we have to present it. I wanted to do a topic that I could read aloud without any trouble.” Albert continued to mess with the strap on his bag.
Mr. Wilkerson placed the paper down and turned his full gaze to Albert. “Are you facing a problem?”
“No,” Albert answered quickly. He knew he answered too quickly by the frown he received.
“You know you can talk to me if you are.”
“I know,”
“Are you?”
“Then change this paper to the career you’re interested in. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of the art that calls you. Do you think it will be easier if you pick elemental magic? Do you like that art?”
“Not really,” Albert admitted softly. “It’s just I know I’ll be teased about it. So, I decided to pick something everyone else is doing.”
“Do you think that will help?”
Albert nodded.
“Albert, it’s not wise to go into a popular art. Every art is important in our community. If we didn’t have necromancy how could we put restless bodies back to sleep? Necromancy keeps a balance between our world and the Second Great Plane. A reanimated body disturbs that balance and we need people like you, to restore it.”
Albert’s lip twitched as he nodded again.
“Are you going to do the assignment properly?” Mr. Wilkerson grinned.
“Yes sir,” Albert smiled.
“Very good. Now take this to your next class and I’ll expect your new paper by Friday.” Mr. Wilkerson handed him a note. “Have a good day Albert.”
“Thank you.” Albert took the note and stood up. “You too, sir.” He walked out the classroom and down the hall with a happier attitude.
“I’m going to call your name and when I do, please come get your papers.” Mr. Wilkerson pointed to the pile on his desk.
“How do you think you did?” Carina whispered as students started to collect their papers.
“I hope I did okay. I changed it, so I hope it’s good.” Albert whispered back.
“Silver,” Mr. Wilkerson called.
“Good luck!” Carina smiled.
Albert returned it and walked up to the desk. He took a breath and wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans.
“Albert, much better,” Mr. Wilkerson grinned and handed him his paper.
“Thank you, sir.” Albert flipped to the last page of the paper on his way back to his seat. He grinned at the comment at the bottom of the page.
Good work Albert. This paper shows me the career that you’re interested in; not a career that is popular or the easiest to do. Good research, grammar, and style; stronger voice as well. Good job.
“So how did you do?” Carina leaned over his shoulder.
“I did better than I thought.” Albert sat back and sighed in relief. Maybe going into Necromancy won’t be so bad, after all.