Vanilla Prompt 5: Friendly Competition

Feb 27, 2012 15:58

Author: lady_leia_solo
Title: Bessi vs Emeri
Challenge: Vanilla #9: friend competition
Topping/Extra: none
Story: The Mondian Chronicles
Rating: G
Summary: Prince Henri challenges his older sister to a race.
Word Count: 493

“Hey Betha!”

Elisabeth turned around and found her younger brother, Henri, waving at her. He was with two of his friends. She couldn’t make out who they were from this distance and she really didn’t care.

Henri ran to catch up with her. Elisabeth slowed her pace and patiently waited for him.

“What do you want Emeri?” she asked slyly using the nickname he hated.

Henri scrunched up his face and poked out his tongue at her.

“Don’t call me that, Bessi!”

“I told you not to call me Bessi!” Elisabeth said pinching his arm.

“Ouch, I’m going to tell Father,” he said rubbing the sore spot.

Elisabeth smirked at him and crossed her arms. “You are such a little crybaby. Poor little Emeri can’t fight his own fights huh?”

Henri stopped rubbing his arms and stepped closer to his sister and glowered up at her. Although he was tall for his age, Elisabeth at age 15 was a fair bit taller than him. But then Elisabeth was a tall girl for her age anyway.

“I can fight my own fights Bessi! I challenge you to run around the courtyard. Whoever makes it to the statue of St. Ambroise first wins!”

Elisabeth raised a blonde eyebrow at her brother. He stared at her determinedly.

“You really don’t want to challenge me to a race Emeri,” she whispered lowly.

“I think I do.”

“Fine,” Elisabeth grunted out. She removed her red hood and set it on the ground.

Henri grinned and called over to his two friends. The taller of the two boys ran over.

“Count us down Luc,” Henri said.

Elisabeth and Henri stood next to each other. Elisabeth looked determinedly in front of her.

“One…” Luc began.

Elisabeth crouched down.


Henri crouched down next to his sister.


They both set off. Luc had to hurriedly move out of the way so he wouldn’t get knocked over.

The other redheaded boy Henk came over to Luc and stood next to him.

“Who do you think is going to win?” Henk asked.

Luc smiled. “I bet you Princess Elisabeth will win.”

Henk eyed Luc warily. “You just say that because you have a crush on her.”

Luc chuckled. “But look, Elisabeth is ahead of Henri and besides the princess has longer legs.”

Henk nodded his head. “That is true.”

Luc and Henk watched as Elisabeth made her way to the St. Ambroise statue. She reached it about 10 seconds quicker than Henri.

“Way to go Princess!” Luc called out.

Elisabeth curtseyed slightly before turning to her brother and patting him on the shoulder.
Henri panted but allowed his sister to ruffle his pale blond head.

Elisabeth walked past Luc and Henk and retrieved her hood. She smiled back at the boys before walking off.

“Stop staring at my sister like that Luc,” Henri came up behind his friend and elbowed him out of the way.

Luc smirked and followed the little prince.

[author] lady leia solo, [challenge] vanilla

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