Pink Lemonade Binge with Butterscotch, Sprinkles, and Caramel

Feb 16, 2012 12:02

Author: Blossomdreams
Rating: PG (mentions of naughtiness)
Challenge: Pink Lemonade Binge
Story Arc: Pleasant Surprise
Title: Snapshots of Love
Toppings: Butterscotch, Sprinkles, and Caramel
Summary: A look at the different relationships between the Winchesters and their friends.
Word count: 3,554
Notes: It's done! I had started this some time before, but I couldn't figure out how to finish it. I finally did and I meant to post this on Valentine's Day and the day after, but any day is good for love, right? This shows relationships the span from Michel and Bella to their granddaughter Mariah to their children and well it's a lot of love. XD. Enjoy! Comments are welcome!

1. naughty but nice

When Michel heard about Bella, he wanted to know more about her. Bella was one of the strongest and nicest healers in the hospital. It took awhile, but Michel was able to get a date with her. When they started dating, Michel was elated. Bella was one of the kindest Fire Demon women he ever dated. Michel didn’t know if Bella was his mate, until he discovered her dark side. He made this discovery when a battle found him in the hospital. He hummed a small tune when Bella walked in his room with her patent smile.

“Hello Michel, what are you here for now?”

Michel gave a sheepish smile. “Another battle, I jumped in without thinking.”

“That seems to be your M.O. Michel.” Bella laughed.

“Well, it gets me closer to you.” Michel chuckled.

Bella smiled. “You’re too much.” She walked over to Michel to begin her procedure, but stopped when the door burst open and a crazed patient ran in. An ice demon shooting bits of ice everywhere, as he screamed for victory for the ice demons. Bella glared tapping the demon on the neck and stomach twice. The ice demon immediately fell to the ground, twitching slightly.

“Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking to Michel.” Bella glared at the twitching demon on the floor.

A nurse ran into the room going over to the fallen ice demon. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how he got loose.”

“Make sure you check a patient’s head before starting treatment.” Bella crossed her arms over her chest. “You know Alan is still mad at us about our latest victory against the ice demons.”

The nurse nodded. “Yes ma’am, sorry,” She picked up the ice demon up and took him out the room.

Bella shook her head. “Beginners make that mistake every time.” She turned to Michel with a pleasant smile. “Now, let’s go fix you up.”

Michel watched Bella in awe as she fell back into her routine, as if she didn’t take down a volatile ice demon. Michel knew he found his mate.

2. hard to get

Alene was not an easy Fire Demon woman to get. Bernard did many things to impress her, but it didn’t seem to work. She didn’t budge easily and always found a counter plan to his original idea. Cathy and Albert found his failures hilarious, even if it annoyed Bernard. Despite his friend’s jokes, Bernard didn’t stop. Until, Alene stopped him with a smile. It was his original goal and he received a date. He didn’t regret his attempts or the effort he put in to ask her out.

Bernard knew Alene was special and his potential mate. He made his decision one night after Raynard carried him home from a bar fight.

Raynard walked through the house with an exasperated sigh. “Once again Bernard jumped into another fight. I can’t take him home. Mom and dad are already dealing with our other siblings who entered the fight. Do you mind taking care of him?” He placed Bernard on the couch in the living room.

“I’m fine.” Bernard grumbled angrily. “I won and if that bastard didn’t start it we wouldn’t have jumped in.”

Alene laughed with a shake of her head. “Don’t worry Ray. I’ll take care of him. You go on to Alain. I know he’s worried about you.”

Raynard smiled. “Thanks Alene.” Raynard smiled. “I’ll see you later. Try to be good Bernard.”

“I’ll try.” Bernard grumbled.

Raynard laughed as he walked out of the room.

Alene smiled as she looked down at Bernard. “Another fight?”


“Who started it?”

“A group of water demons, those bastards was messing with Sofie’s friend and we stopped it. No one was hurt too bad. We made it out and we didn’t set the bar on fire. Well, we didn’t burn it down.”

“You didn’t burn a building down. I’m surprised.” Alene laughed, placing Bernard’s head on her lap. “You didn’t take too many hits, did you? Do you need me to heal you?”

Bernard looked at Alene in surprise. “What? No lecture, no anger over me in another fight?”

“Of course not, it would be weird if you didn’t defend that guy.” Alene brushed some strands away from Bernard’s face. “Besides, I would be quite the hypocrite seeing as I got into a fight last week in Arcadia.”

“I didn’t see it though.”

Alene smiled. “Don’t worry, Cathy got it all on tape.”

Bernard smiled. Alene was worth the wait.

3. fooling around

One of Adam’s rules when dating was no fooling around in the office. He didn’t care how worked up his intimate companion was he didn’t bend that rule. Adam pushed his own arousal down at how hot the prospect would be. He didn’t feel like cleaning up all the papers and books that would be knocked over in his haste. Issac joked that Adam was quite prude for a Fire Demon, but Adam didn’t care. He didn’t think he would bend that rule for anyone. That is, until he met Zero.

Adam didn’t think he would grow so close to Zero, but he did. He started working with Zero, helping him out during his memory lapses, and getting him a job in the hotel. Adam enjoyed Zero’s friendship and company. Those feelings turned into romance soon after. Zero helped Adam after a hard day of work. Adam really appreciated it after a day with Eric Boswell’s letters.

Adam could pinpoint the time he decided to bend that rule. It was a long day after getting letters from Eric and a visit from Elizabeth and Eve. Zero walked into his office after Adam let Tabitha go for the night. Adam sat at his desk, resting his head against the surface when Zero walked over.

“Hey Adam,”

Adam looked up with a smile. “Hey Zero. Did you finish fixing the computers in the lobby?”

Zero nodded. “Just finished it, are you ok?”

Adam sighed, shaking his head. “No, I had to deal with Eve and Elizabeth. Then I had to translate Eric’s letter again. Turns out, he just wanted to use the conference room for an Amulet event. Why that took two novels? I’ll never know.”

“I’m sorry to hear about that. Eric is quite something, isn’t he?” Zero rubbed Adam’s shoulders lightly. Adam moaned softly leaning into Zero’s touch. “Yeah he is, but everything is better now.”

Zero smiled. “I’m glad.”

Adam turned around looking at that smile that made everything feel right. He reached up grabbing a handful of Zero’s shirt. He pulled him down for a heated kiss, slipping his fingers through his hair. Zero closed his eyes, trailing his hands down Adam’s sides. Adam leaned into the kiss, frowning when Zero pulled back.

“You said you never fool around in the office, remember? We can continue this at home.” Zero pulled away.

Adam pulled Zero back, shaking his head. “I see, now, that was a stupid rule. We can finish this here.” He knocked the papers, books, and pens off, taking a seat on the surface of the desk.

“I had a hard day and I need to release some steam. Want to join me?” Adam whispered licking his fang slowly.

Zero grinned wrapping his arms around Adam’s waist. “I’d love to.” He leaned forward bringing their lips together for a soft kiss. Adam pulled Zero closer as his fingers returned to his hair.

Adam knew he loved Zero when that rule didn’t matter anymore. He only hoped Issac wouldn’t hang it over his head when he found out.

4. on the cheek

Out of the Winchester siblings, it was hard to get a date with Michelle. It was harder to stay with her. Michelle didn’t show her feelings in the open. She preferred a light fleeting touch or a heated look across the room. Michelle didn’t show affection openly either. Her siblings knew she loved them, but she didn’t hug like Angelique or kiss like Kia. When it came to Michelle’s boyfriends, they were lucky if Michelle held their hand. Kevin knew this, but it didn’t stop him.

Kevin didn’t think Michelle would give him a chance. He knew their fathers hated each other, but it didn’t stop Kevin from admiring Michelle in the courtroom or in the hotel. Michelle didn’t care about her father’s hatred over Kevin’s father. She only saw Kevin, his goofy smile, and contagious laugh.

Michelle’s siblings took bets on how long Kevin would last. Adam, Kia and Enzi had a feeling Kevin was the one for Michelle. Christophe, Angelique, and Bello didn’t believe them, until Michelle kissed Kevin on the cheek in the hotel lobby. It was the first time Michelle did that with any of her boyfriends. Michelle’s siblings knew she really loved Kevin.

5. taking it slow

Christophe didn’t normally take it slow with his lovers. He didn’t waste any time when he found out they were on the same page. However, Albert was different. Christophe felt that if he pushed too fast he would lose him. He didn’t want to lose the cute, shy Necromancer, so he took it slow. Christophe took Albert out, read up on his fears, and made time to see Albert when he returned from the base.

It was seven months and Christophe didn’t let up. He didn’t make a move either. It was hard, but Christophe was able to keep control. He was going by Albert’s pace. Well, he thought it was Albert’s pace. Albert surprised Chris after one date when he out his bedroom in an oversize buttoned up shirt and nothing else. Albert walked over taking a seat in Christophe’s lap. Christophe looked up resisting the urge to pull Albert close.


“Chris, it’s seven months and I noticed something. You haven’t made a move on me. It makes me think you don’t like me.” Albert absently played with a strand of Christophe’s hair.

Christophe swallowed, wrapping his arms around Albert’s waist. “It’s the opposite. I want you so much it hurts, sometimes. Would you mind if I made a move now?”

Albert smiled through his bangs, placing a hand on Christophe’s cheek. “I’ll be angry if you didn’t.”

Christophe chuckled, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on Albert’s lips. He knew Albert was more than a fling.

6. come a little bit closer

Mariah was as stubborn as her father, Bello. She didn’t love as easily as her brother Marc. She didn’t go out as much as her aunt Angelique or uncle Christophe. Many demons liked to go out with Mariah because of her last name. When Mariah noticed that, she made the date a living hell. There were only a few demons who could last, before leaving her alone. However, one demon riled Mariah up on purpose. An annoying shape shifting Shadow demon called Dmitri.

Dmitri roused Mariah up, poked fun at her, and didn’t look twice at her last name. Everyday Mariah was torn between hurting Dmitri or pulling him close for a kiss. It didn’t help that they had an on again off again relationship. Well, it was more on than off. Mariah didn’t want to admit it, but when she moved the armrest to sit closer to Dmitri during a movie she had no choice. Besides, Dmitri could be enjoyable at times.

7. in your arms

Kia’s relationship with Naota was no secret. Although Kia and Naota denied that their relationship was friendly and professional. They worked together on their acrobatic act and a few more acts for the circus, but there was nothing between them. Well, Kia thought it was nothing there.

When Naota left for Londi, an Ice Demon city, for a family emergency Kia was torn. She worried about Naota and his family. She noticed how off things were in the performance with Ken, Naota’s replacement. Kia refused to sleep in the bed she shared with Naota when they were on the road. It felt too cold without him.

Kia didn’t know how much Naota meant to her, until he returned. When Naota reassured everyone that his family was fine, Kia jumped in his arms. She knew the jokes that would happen, but she didn’t care. Kia was back in Naota's arms, where she belonged. When Naota didn’t let her go so quickly, she knew he felt the same.

8. tender loving care

Bello didn’t focus on getting a mate when he was younger. The war, his family, and the hotel kept Bello’s mind occupied for a while. He didn’t notice many of his suitors vying for a date or more with him. Any gifts or letters his aide Cassie took care of it. Cassie took care of many things in Bello’s office. She helped with the records, the messages, emails, and anything else that needed attention.

Bello didn’t know Cassie’s care extended to him. He realized that after a late night in the office. Bello felt the blanket on his shoulders and the food in front of him. His heart softened at the sight of Cassie sleeping on the couch in the office. Bello walked over draping the blanket over her. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek when something clicked inside.

Bello didn’t like Cassie, he loved her.

9. double entandre

Angelique was the Queen of double entendres. Her lovers knew that and tried to best her at every turn. Many would come close, but Angelique normally won the battle in the end. That is, until she started dating Sebastian a Shadow Demon. Angelique thought Sebastian would be like her past loves. There would be one entendre they wouldn’t be able to top. Sebastian caught her off guard one day. Angelique made her normal double entendre about the current science project.

Sebastian turned to Angelique, leaning close to her ear. “Don’t shake a test tube too hard. You don’t want it to explode all over your hand.” He pulled away with a smirk on his way to the other table.

Angelique looked up with a smile.

Sebastian wasn’t half bad.

10. tangled up in you

Enzi blinked his eyes open at the sound of his alarm clock. He groaned, feeling around the night table to hit the button. He forgot to shut it off after the last day of his tour, but he felt it went well. More fans, increased records sales, and a month’s vacation sounded like a good way to end a tour. It was hard work, but it paid off. He could finally relax, if he could ever find that button.

A giggle sounded next to him. “Need some help?”

Enzi looked down with a sheepish smile. “Please?”

Juri flicked her hand, making a few shadows appear to hit the button. She snuggled against his side when the room fell silent again. “There you go,”

“Thank you,” Enzi kissed her forehead, pulling her closer to his side.

Juri grinned as she tangled their legs together. “You’re welcome,”

Enzi smiled, sliding his fingers through her hair.

Spending time with his girlfriend, Juri, was a bonus.

11. slip into something more comfortable

“That was a nice dinner, thank you.” Albert said on his way to Alec’s apartment.

“I’m pleased you enjoyed it. It’s one of my favorite places to have dinner and I’m glad you enjoyed it as well.” Alec “accidently” bumped his hand.

Albert smiled. He reached over and linked their fingers together. “I did. It was nice. I don’t think I’ve been to such a nice place before.”

“I believe I’m going to have to take you to similar places then.”

“Can’t wait to see them,”

Albert couldn’t believe his luck. After nights of drinking away their problems at Pandora’s Box, Albert finally gathered the courage to ask Alec to dinner. Alec agreed and they decided to go to one of Alec’s favorite restaurants. Albert thought it wouldn’t go very well. It’s been years since he had a proper date that wasn’t joining Cathy, so she wouldn’t be a third wheel to Alene and Bernard’s date.

Albert loved Bernard and Alene, but it didn’t hurt for him to go on proper date for once. He could tell Alene and Bernard agreed. With the number of texts of encouragement, he received from them throughout the night. Albert grinned and patted the phone in his pocket on the way up to Alec’s room. Things were going well. He had high hopes that it would end well, too.

“Make yourself at home.” Alec gestured around the living room. “I’m going to go do the same.”

“Thanks,” Albert looked around, nodding appreciatively at the posh living room. He chuckled when Alec kissed his cheek.

“I can’t seem to stop touching you. That’s not an issue I hope?” Alec grinned.

“Not at all,” Albert turned around and leaned up, placing a soft kiss on Alec’s lips. He grinned when Alec wrapped an arm around his waist.

The night looked like it would end well, after all.

12. between the sheets

During the day, Claire held many jobs. She was a mother trying to help her son find his way. Seth stopped throwing tantrums and making things disappear with his shadows, but it was still a challenge to help him with his temper. She wouldn’t stop working with him, but his tantrums did tire her out.

She was a widow, putting her husband’s last affairs in order. She didn’t know how many things Axel was part of or put in her name. It was a stressful job, but she did it. Axel trusted her and she wouldn’t break that trust.

She took on assignation jobs as a way to earn extra money. It was a good way to numb the pain inside her chest whenever she returned home or looked at her locket. She helped when she could at the hospital on Alene’s floor or ran errands for Bernard around the office. She offered her services in Amulet and Arcadia, as well. She had to keep working or else she would start thinking. Nothing good came from that.

Claire held many jobs during the day. However, at night Claire didn’t worry about her work at the office or if she had to take out another target. Seth slept peacefully in his bed with a charm that would go off in her ear if there were anything wrong. At night Claire was Daisuke’s lover who gave her what she needed between the sheets.

That was her job and she enjoyed it very much.

13. sleeping beside you

“You know I never thought this would happen.” Alex mused, messing with a strand of Seth’s hair.

“What would?” Seth ran a hand down Alex’s side.

Alex hummed and moved closer to him. “Everything, I can work with you and not strangle you. I worry about you, I think you’re cute, and look I’m sleeping beside you. I never thought this would happen.”

“Me either,” Seth trailed his hand up to Alex’s cheek. “I don’t regret it, though. Do you?”

Alex grinned as he turned them around where he was on top. “Not at all,” He leaned down and pressed their lips together in a searing kiss.

Seth smiled and pulled him closer.

14. notch on the bedpost

There were some things in life Shen knew wouldn’t change. People were going to be jerks even if some of those people he had to call family. It was hard to trust anyone, even if you happened to call them ‘mother’. The only person he could trust was his brother. He was fine with that. Trying to drown out your problems with alcohol or random people didn’t work. After alcohol, he had a headache. When he left a person’s place for the day, he knew he was another notch on their bedpost.

However, that changed after he met Haru. Haru wanted to know him. He found help for his brother and didn’t hold anything against him in regards of his family. Haru made sure Shen didn’t drown himself in drinks or random guys. He respected and appreciated him as a person, well cat demon. Haru made sure Shen wasn’t just another notch on the bedpost.

It was one of the many reasons Shen loved him.

15. kiss & make up





“Maria, my love,”


“Maria, my love, please.”


“Maria, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean the things I said. You don’t waste time, your flowers are beautiful, and I should be home more often, instead of working. I’m sorry if I ignore you, sometimes, but please know that no matter where I am, you’re always in my heart. I love you, my precious flower.”

Maria opened the door to their bedroom and pulled Antonio close for a heated kiss. She pulled back after a few seconds and smiled. “I’m sorry too. It was wrong of me to think that you ignore me when you work so hard to keep our kingdom safe. I’m sorry about all those things I said too.”

Antonio smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Should we kiss and make up now?”

“I think we should.” Maria wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

Antonio walked inside and closed the door with his foot.

His kingdom could survive without him for a few hours.

[challenge] pink lemonade, [topping] sprinkles, [author] blossomdreams, [topping] caramel, flavor binge, [topping] butterscotch

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